Radio Broadcast Monday 01/11/2021

Fishers of Men

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P34 (01-11-21)


A saint said one time, “To err is human, but to forgive is divine”. Do we not have the tendency to put people on pedestals, to worship man, especially those in a leadership position, a president, a well-known or popular pastor, who has built up quite a respectful following. Let us not bow down to a man, or even an angel of God. God alone is worthy of worship. All of us are capable of doing wrong, and we will from time to time, in our frail humanity, and God knows that all so well but He loves us anyway. And He loves us to solve that problem we have that we cannot solve, and knowing we are still so prone to fail. That is a kind of love the world does not understand.

So we read some examples of people who fell down and worshipped Jesus. We read about the wisemen, who gave expensive gifts fit for a king and they fell down and worshipped Him, knowing that this baby is the promised Messiah the prophets spoke about, for they saw the star in the East to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/03/2020

Quit Walking in Unbelief

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P590 (12-03-20)


Are you open to listening to truth? Are you willing to let the Holy Spirit teach you, to reveal to you what truth is? Truth is in a person, the person of Jesus Christ. He testified of this by saying, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”.

So often we tend to separate the physical from the spiritual, as if those two worlds never intersect. That the spiritual stuff is those things on Sunday mornings, when you sing praise songs or sit in a pew reciting, “Lord have mercy” from a missalette without a clue what it means. Yes, you might know you have sinful behavior and in need of that sin and guilt dealt with, but you see no source of power or ability to do anything about it, except a temporary confessional that seems to at least ease your guilt and make you feel better.

As a lost person, you are dead to spiritual things. You do not know that the spiritual is what real life is, and that affects and makes life worth living. The spiritual is a relationship with a real person, the person … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/04/2020

Be Born of The Spirit for Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P568 (09-04-20)


So many people call in with questions they want answers to. Some wonder how we are meant to live the Christian life. Others wonder about end time events, like what has happened to Damasus. And in our world today, the end of the age certainly seems to be speedily coming toward the end. Time seems so short, like the rapture could occur within ten years. There are so many signs we see today, like Damascus being a heap of ruins, as prophesied by Isaiah.

But as curious as many people are toward end time events, the nagging questions people have about the meaning and purpose of life are still the same. It seems error seems to spread like wildfire and can never be quenched from being spread to the naive and those lacking discernment. The same errors are being propagated from generation to generation, from denominational persuasions of men and from the world. You still keep hearing the same questions. Is tithing for today? Why do pastors teach tithing? What is this strange teaching I hear about healing in the atonement? How can anyone find out what is true?

It … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/26/2019

What About 1 John 1:9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P459 (7-26-19)


Bob received calls from several people wanting help in communicating with people who have been caught in false teaching. People are not free to walk in the newness of life because they have not studied God’s word and allowed the Holy Spirit to teach them. Instead, they listen to the world and do not test and see if what people say are true. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Brian asked in regards to his wife who has been diagnosed as bipolar. He was in need of correction in regards to going to the ungodly for advice and in regards to what faith is. There is so much false teaching out there that teaches that our faith causes God to do this or that. That means we are greater than God and He ceases to be the initiator and He responds to us. There are so many false teachers of the Word of Faith crowd, or the “name it and claim” or “blab it and grab it” crowd that needs to be corrected of error, if they are willing to listen to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/14/2019

Want to Want to

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 20 (05-14-19)

Bob George TeachingBob continues sharing from John 4 and John 5. In John 4, we read about Jesus healing a Father’s son. His father came to Jesus begging him to heal his son, having heard all that Jesus did, knowing of his healing power. In John 5, we read about a man who was disabled for 38 years, in a state of self pity, and was asked by Jesus if he wanted to get well.

Bob explains the more important reason Jesus came. He came to heal the person, spiritual healing, as of utmost importance. Even in today’s world, so many people are infatuated with signs and wonders and healing. Do you want to get well or would you rather remain in your condition? Do you come to Jesus for signs and wonders or do you come to Jesus by faith in what he accomplished for you at the cross? He came to rise again from the dead in order to give new spiritual life to you. Do you recognize your state of spiritual death? Do you know that the only available life for you is in Jesus Christ? Are you in Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/05/2018

Classic Christianity – Book of John p11 (11-05-18)

Bob George TeachingWelcome to Class Christianity Radio with Bob George on the clear, timeliness teaching on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus, that transforms your life as you learn about God’s amazing love. Let’s join Bob as he continues sharing through the book of John. Currently, we are looking at John 4:28-54 concerning the Samaritan woman who shares her testimony to the local town and how through her testimony and the words of Jesus, many come to believe. Bob shares from these passages what is true evangelism and true discipleship. Evangelism is sharing the good news of Christ so someone is led to become a child of God by their expressed faith in the word of truth in the gospel, the message of good news. Discipleship is the exhortation and encouragement so someone comes to understand all that has been done for them by Jesus Christ and continues to grow in that new relationship as a child of God. There is no better way than learning from the Spirit of God what is the meaning of God’s word!

From this passage, Bob starts by sharing a sample prayer of someone who has … Listen to Broadcast & Read More