Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P126 (07-02-24)
Having The Proper Therefores is Faith Responding Properly to TRUTH
~ Faith is so misunderstood today, that people don’t even have a clue what the word means. Faith is responding properly to Truth, and is also responding properly to the lies of Satan and the world in which we live in. Faith is a very practical word. Most people think faith is only dealing with salvation, or those things that pertain to salvation. However, faith is much much more than that. Faith is a therefore word.
There are pastors that will preach a powerful message of Truth, and then in the end negate all of it by applying the wrong therefores to everything they said to begin with. It’s easy to see the lies of the Satan, once you know the Truth of the word of God. However, most people lean on their own understanding of Truth, and never study the word of God for themselves. They listen to the preaching of men, rather than exercising their mind to test things out to see if they are so, or not so. We read in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the people in … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message