Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/10/2020

Jesus Lives Eternally

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P528 (04-10-20)


Have you ever wondered why someone you love is not acting like he is a Christian? He is born again, or so you thought, but his actions testify against him. Why is he going back to perverse behavior, behavior that only occurs among the heathen? There are two possible explanations. One he is not born again as you think he is, or he is born again, but is not paying any attention to God, and is acting in rebellion against truth. We cannot judge motives, but we can judge actions. So, if not certain of the evidence, then approach him in love, ask the questions that will draw him out, is your best option. You love him enough to tell him the truth. As a believer, we have the privilege to participate in the divine nature. That also means, we can choose to participate in the flesh. The flesh is contrary to the Spirit. We overcome the flesh by walking in the Spirit, putting to death the misdeeds of the body.

It is also quite possible that someone might have walked an aisle, thinking they are born again, but they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/28/2020

Jesus is Truth Jesus is God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P516 (02-28-20)


Truth is so important to grab a hold of so you can walk in the way God intended. On today’s program, two callers called, that highlight how when truth is not understood or grasped, you are unable to walk in the new life God has given you. There are those people who will not think it worthwhile to hold onto truth, and have been deceived by the thinking of the world, and are lost. Sometimes people call in on behalf of a son or daughter or granddaughter who has been ensnared, and are asking for counsel in how to reach their loved ones with truth. Then there are those who have not quite grasped what salvation is, and because of their faulty thinking, such as the fear of losing salvation, they are unable to walk in true freedom.

As the world gets worse and worse, there is so much thinking of this world that is in conflict with proper thinking. You may not be able to carry out that which is good, but you never want to get to the point of calling something other than what God calls it, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/06/2019

Jesus is Truth - Truth is Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P9 (11-06-19)


In this world we live in, of political correctness, there is a strong pull to cave into the thinking of the world. You also have television that tries to convince you how fun something is. You have the soap operas and the commercials after big events such as the Super Bowl. All these influences that tempt us to not hold onto the knowledge of the truth. But we are instructed in scripture to hold onto truth.

So Bob shares truth from the scriptures. Currently we are studying Romans 1:28-32. This is what God says about these matters, of what perversion is, such as homosexual activity, and how it forms in the human heart.

We see someone who is caught in sin, a sin as devastating as homosexuality. Now, it is sin because that is what God calls it. God calls it perversion. Adultery is sin. Worry is sin. A Christian can be caught up in any sinful behavior, even the sin of homosexuality. All that it takes is to listen to the voice of Satan and give into a lie that this is something I have never done. You hear the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2019

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P8 (11-05-19)


So have you ever been called a bigot because you told someone who has identified himself as a homosexual that what he is doing is perversion? Have you bought into the lie that those who choose to partner up with someone of the same sex is an alternate lifestyle? If you are truly going to help someone, do you tell them the truth? You never want to get to the point in your own life that you call something other than what God calls something. If God calls it perversion, it is perversion. If God calls it sin, it is sin.

Do you want to know the truth? Are you willing to listen to truth? If not, then have you decided to not hold onto the knowledge of the truth? If so, then your foolish mind has become darkened. If this is you, realize that God loves you. He does not accept or approve of your behavior. He let you get caught up in this life because that is what you chose of your own free will. But God has provided a solution for you, a better way to live. Are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/08/2018

Classic Christianity – Call-In Bob George p391 (11-08-18)

Bob George RadioBob George was on the air for over 30 years with People to People radio, answering calls to help people experience faith, hope and love in Jesus Christ. Some callers, like James, ask a question concerning a certain general sin in the world, but deep down they are sharing because they are feeling an emptiness or weight of guilt in their own life because of some own past sin they are remembering. As Bob George simply answers questions, many times, the person feels freedom to share more about their own struggle. As Bob shares with James, he hears the hope that is presented to him in Christ Jesus and becomes a child of God, a new creation in Christ. Other callers, such as Rene, ask a question about a teaching on a verse she has heard that puzzles her. Many times a person is being persuaded to believe a lie from a group, church or organization. The person has had prior confidence in such a group, having certain other needs met, but the often-repeated reinforcement of a lie, particularly by those in leadership, makes it so more difficult for the person to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More