Radio Broadcast Monday 07/10/2023

Faith is a Responder to the Grace of God

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P67 (07-10-23)

We Who Are In Christ Jesus Have The Mind of God. Abide in Him for ALL Truth.

“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18

~ If we are in Christ Jesus, and He is in us (born again of the Spirit), then we are told that we have the mind of God living in us. But here is the thing, we have to depend on Him for all understanding of everything and for the teaching of all truth. Even those that are in Christ Jesus, they still tend to listen to their flesh, listening to the teaching of men, and listening to the world for truth, instead of allowing Him (the Holy Spirit living in us) to teach us ALL truth. In fact, for some it can be somewhat scary to give up their flesh, because after all, most of us have been living in the flesh for a long long time and that’s what we get comfortable with. We haven’t really … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/22/2021

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/22/2021

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P653 (07-22-21)

Wisdom from scriptures for the common and practical questions of life

Bob George provides wisdom from the scriptures for the common and practical questions of life. A man calls in concerning a conflict between he and his wife. Another man calls in asking if hell is a real place and do people go there. And also, what about Judas Iscariot, did he go to hell? There are also more questions asked even today about end time events and the end of the church age.

As far as marital strife, remember that we can make plans but God can change them. Where there is a disagreement, remember that love considers others more important than yourself, and these issues have to be talked through. A woman has a limited time after a certain age in which she can have children, so that must be taken into consideration. You must also consider the fact of trusting God for your daily needs. Ideally we would all like to have no debts, but then life can hit us with curve balls. Any one of us could get in a major car accident, get laid off from … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/30/2020

Jesus is Fulfillment of Prophecy

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P22 (11-30-20)


When we look at scriptures concerning the last days of Jesus on earth, those things we have read about through the prophets, such as Isaiah and Micah, and then the eyewitnesses, like John and Matthew, who ate and drank with Jesus, do you not marvel? The disciples of Jesus recorded down the fulfillment of prophecy, of the things they saw and heard, what was fulfilled, as written down through the prophets. How can you not say, “This man must have been the Messiah!”? But as you look deeper into the scriptures, you realize the attitudes of the heart of all mankind is made known.

We look at the attitude of Judas, who obviously betrayed Jesus, but later recognized his wrong and tried to make it right. He was filled with remorse. Yes, he betrayed Jesus, and so did all the disciples, including Peter. What was Judas main problem? He thought he could manipulate God into doing what he wanted Him to do, which would cause deliverance of the Jews out of Roman rule. He had the mind of natural man but was blind to the things of God. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/18/2020

Jesus God From The Beginning Became Man

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P21 (11-18-20)


As we ponder over the biblical prophecies in Christ Jesus, let us keep in mind that this was in the heart of God before the creation of the world and mankind. Knowing that when creating man in His own image, there is a risk to that, that mankind might just choose his own way. God in His foreknowledge made provision for that, that if mankind should decide for himself what is right and wrong, to decide that he does not need or want God and wants to live independently of God, then there is a consequence to that choice. That consequence is that man will be separated from God, and be in a state of spiritual death. That is, Adam, when he sinned in the garden of Eden, died to the one who vacated Him, who was the Spirit of God living in him.

As a consequence of that choice, the entire human race was lost, being born in the nature of Adam, dead to God. God made provision to restore mankind back to himself. Through the prophetic words of the prophets, He predicted His entry into this … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message