Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/05/2024

Classic Christianity Illustrated and Classic Christianity

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P966 (09-05-24)

Only Those That Have the Holy Spirit in Them Have the Spirit of TRUTH

~ We live in a world of great deception today, and many have substituted the world around them, as though that is where they are going to find all Truth taught, in a building, or some man, or some religious institution, or some denomination, or even some church assembly, and they Trust that over and above the Word of God. You will hear them say things like, “Well my pastor teaches this in regards to tithing.” Or, “My pastor teaches that if I’m not producing fruit of the Spirit, then I’m not saved.” Or, “You need to get right with the Lord, and repent of ALL of your sins, or you will not have eternal life.” We could go on with even more examples of the lies that are spread, but know this, this is the teaching of MAN not God.

So where does a person go to find ALL Truth, and how does a person learn to recognize the Truth and identify the lies of Satan? First off, a person needs to have the Holy Spirit … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/25/2024

The Peace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P954 (07-25-24)

Fear Not. For The Jesus That is in Your Today, is in Your Tomorrow

~ When we are in Christ, and He is in us, we can rest in the fact that the Jesus of my today will be with me in my tomorrow. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. When we make decisions today, we need to understand that we can only make a decision for this very moment in time. The decisions we make today should be made based on Truth, not based on fear on what may or may not happen. However, we know that we will face tribulation in life no matter what. So in everything we do, we ought to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in All truth and let the chips fall where they may. For Jesus told us that in this world we will have tribulation. But when we trust in him, there is a peace that surpasses all understanding. That is who we need to focus on, Jesus, and He will make all our paths straight. The bottom line is, “Do not let your heart be troubled and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More