Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P3 (10-23-19)
Bob George is sharing from the book of Romans. He shares again that Paul is an ambassador for Christ, appointed by God to bring the gospel, the message of good news, of life in Christ Jesus, to Jews and Gentiles alike. Then he continues to share from Romans, starting at verse 7.
Bob shares how designations get assigned to people. There are designations that God gives to people. God gave the designation of apostle to Paul. God gave the designation of saint to all who are in Christ Jesus. And all of us who are in Christ Jesus are ambassadors. Then there is a designation that religion and false thinking puts on you. Religion puts burdens on you, telling you to burn out for Jesus.
In the world of Christendom, what kind of designations have you believed to be true? Are you just an old sinner saved by grace? First of all, do you understand the gospel of Jesus Christ that Paul is proclaiming? Have you believed and understood the message of grace in Christ Jesus? Are you born again?
If you are born again, then have you been given a … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/23/2019”