Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/03/2021

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/03/2021

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P639 (06-03-21)


A common question asked is in regard to the law. What is the law? Does it include the ten commandments as well as the dietary laws? Are those laws, particularly the ten commandments, a guide for us to live by? For Christians? Should believers be teaching people to obey the law? We all fall short of the law. We all have sinned. Can we ever be made holy by what we do? These are some of the most frequently asked questions.

First, what is the purpose of the law? Was the law ever added to make us righteous? According to the apostle Paul, no one will ever be made righteous by observing the law. It is through the law that we are conscious of sin. Why then was the law given? Paul even says the law is holy, righteous and good. But then he discovers that he is not righteous, and the law only stirred up sin in him. And that is the problem. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show you there is dirt on your face, but a mirror cannot be used to remove the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/17/2020

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P594 (12-17-20)


All of us need encouragement in this fallen world we live in. As Jesus warned us so many times, let no man deceive you. All of us have been deceived one time or another and are all subject to deception. Many of us grew up in some denomination or cult even, and some of us came to the knowledge of the truth. We came to realize God’s word is truth, and anything contrary to that is to be rejected as from men. Not all men are deliberately deceiving you. Many are simply passing on what they heard from others.

How grateful we are for those many people, the born again believers all over the world, who have understood God’s grace, the totality of the cross, of being made complete in Christ and salvation through receiving new life through the resurrection of Christ Jesus, who has offered all men the Holy Spirit to be placed in those who believe.

So listen now as various callers call in to either encourage Bob or receive instruction on things they have heard that just does not ring true to them, and are coming now … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/21/2020

Flesh and Blood Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P564 (08-21-20)


What an opportunity to hear truth from like-minded believers, sharing truth from God’s word, asking good questions to learn from the Lord through His word, with humble and gracious hearts. There is nothing so moving, encouraging and touching than to hear a believer tell her story of how truth was revealed to her, and how her life, and that of her family, was changed as a result. You can hear their enthusiasm and gratitude of heart. It encourages the body of Christ to hear such things.

There are things that you read from these scriptures that you just do not always have answers to, those non-essential things such as when you die, when will you get your new body, immediately after you die or at the time of the rapture, spoken about in 2 Thessalonians 4. If you have already died, you meet the Lord first in the air, and meet Him along with all those who are still alive.

One of the keys to learning from the Lord is that when we have a firm passage of scripture, we do not go to the obscure to interpret the obvious. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/07/2020

A Closer Look at The Truth About Prayer

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P560 (08-07-20)


As we grow in Christ, we all have our struggles, our battles with temptations of the flesh. That can be unique to each individual, what seems to be more prone to you, your weakness. Sometimes we give into our flesh, but we must remind ourselves that we do not have to. We are instructed to rejoice in our weakness so that the power of Christ might rest on us. That is what walking by faith is, walking in what God says is true about you and His provision of life or you. If you are a child of God, then you are being internally led by the Spirit of God, who lives in you. As a child of God, He has given you everything you need for life and godliness through Him who lives in you.

If we do not properly understand the gospel, or have forgotten that our past sins have been forgiven, then we found ourselves putting ourselves under the law. The power of sin is the law. The law stirs up sin. So, when we renew our mind in what truth is, and that truth sets us … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/19/2020

Jesus is The God Man

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P14 (05-19-20)


It seems people do not really understand what faith is. We have the faith healers who think they can call upon God to do what they want to do. We have those people who put guilt trips on people who are physically blind, telling them that if they have enough faith they would be healed. There are those who think they have some kind of power of prayer to make God act. All of that kind of thinking is error. Faith must be based in truth. I can have faith that a chair will hold me up or I can have faith in one of those faulty chairs that would fall apart if a cat jumped on it. Your faith is either placed in something that is true, that works, or a lie, that does not produce results, or bad results. God wants our faith to be in something that is true, not a lie. The object of your faith is what is important, and that should be in Jesus Christ.

This understanding of the object of our faith, of who Jesus Christ is, that He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/24/2019

The Will of God is Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 36 (06-24-19)

Bob George shares from the book of John. Jesus identifies himself as the bread of life when the Jews were all focused on physical food for daily living. Jesus was sharing spiritual truth with them, that he is the life they need to live forever. We came into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing. We came into this world born spiritually dead and if we die in that state, we certainly have nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the worm never dies and the fire never goes out. The Spirit gives life and the flesh counts for nothing. So why spend all your energy focused on physically things that are here today and gone tomorrow. Listen to the very words of God, and Jesus is the exact representation of God on earth. He came from heaven to speak words from heaven and he is going back there, and in our day, he has already gone back there, so he can bring us to be with Him forever. The gospel is simple. You are dead and in need of life. We do not speak … Listen to Broadcast & Read More