Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/30/2020

Faith is Believing What Jesus Has Done

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P531 (04-30-20)


Many times people called on the Classic Christianity radio program to get clarification and understanding. One of the most common things people call in about is that they are confused about this deal on forgiveness of sins. When you sin, are you supposed to confess those sins to God and ask for forgiveness? What is sin? Are there different categories of sin, such as positional and what about the future sins I do? These questions reveal a serious lack of understanding of something so vitally important as to what salvation is.

Listen as Bob converses with Martha in answering such questions, explaining to her what Jesus already accomplished, that his death took away the sins of the entire world. Jesus entered into our death with us, so we can enter into His resurrected life with Him. Jesus death on a cross is preparation for life to be given, and it is not faith to ask God to forgive you of sins for that is something God already did. When He sent Jesus to shed His blood on a cross, that was only done once and will not be done again, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/10/2020

Jesus Lives Eternally

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P528 (04-10-20)


Have you ever wondered why someone you love is not acting like he is a Christian? He is born again, or so you thought, but his actions testify against him. Why is he going back to perverse behavior, behavior that only occurs among the heathen? There are two possible explanations. One he is not born again as you think he is, or he is born again, but is not paying any attention to God, and is acting in rebellion against truth. We cannot judge motives, but we can judge actions. So, if not certain of the evidence, then approach him in love, ask the questions that will draw him out, is your best option. You love him enough to tell him the truth. As a believer, we have the privilege to participate in the divine nature. That also means, we can choose to participate in the flesh. The flesh is contrary to the Spirit. We overcome the flesh by walking in the Spirit, putting to death the misdeeds of the body.

It is also quite possible that someone might have walked an aisle, thinking they are born again, but they … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/02/2020

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/02/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P525 (04-02-20)


These are the common questions that people ask today when people do not understand the grace of God, the finality of the cross and being made complete in Christ. People have called in because they are burdened down by what they have been taught as far as what they should be doing as a Christian. Many are taught they should tithe for they have heard they would be robbing God if they do not or that they would be missing out on a blessing. Others are incorrectly taught that they must confess their sins, or repent of their sins before God, as in Revelation 2 or 1 John 1:9, when they sin, due to a faulty understanding of what repentance is and what it means to live under the grace of God as a child of God. Others are incorrectly taught that you must only take of the Lord’s supper in a worthy manner, and to eat only until you have confessed your sins to God. Others are told you must get busy for Jesus, not knowing what it means to rest in Christ and abide in Him. Others are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/26/2020

Jesus is the Only Righteous One

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P523 (03-26-20)


Listen as Bob counsels with a person who is on the verge of divorce. The focus is really on a heart problem, not a marriage problem. The goal is not to get back married but to find out what truth is so reconciliation can take place. That is the counsel Bob gave. Listen as Bob explains several passages of scripture in detail. Another issue he also addressed was law and grace. What was the attitudes in the scriptures for? Was it so we can live up to those standards? No. That is impossible for man to do. The key to living is to first become born again and then learn to allow the Lord to teach you what it means to let Him live His life in you and through you. When you are born again, you are a child of God. The attitude of your heart is to love God, to know what the Lord desires. When you know experience the love of God, you are not seeking to destroy one another.

Bob speaks with another caller to address what repentance means. Unfortunately, most words in common use today … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/28/2020

Jesus is Truth Jesus is God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P516 (02-28-20)


Truth is so important to grab a hold of so you can walk in the way God intended. On today’s program, two callers called, that highlight how when truth is not understood or grasped, you are unable to walk in the new life God has given you. There are those people who will not think it worthwhile to hold onto truth, and have been deceived by the thinking of the world, and are lost. Sometimes people call in on behalf of a son or daughter or granddaughter who has been ensnared, and are asking for counsel in how to reach their loved ones with truth. Then there are those who have not quite grasped what salvation is, and because of their faulty thinking, such as the fear of losing salvation, they are unable to walk in true freedom.

As the world gets worse and worse, there is so much thinking of this world that is in conflict with proper thinking. You may not be able to carry out that which is good, but you never want to get to the point of calling something other than what God calls it, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/21/2020

Jesus Saves a Person by Grace Through Faith

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P514 (02-21-20)


The grace of God has truly appeared to all men, teaching us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Sometimes circumstances of life have a way of leading us to fall into temptation or to compromise what we know is true. We should never let ourselves be polluted by the world, whether it is your own mother, who is old now, a non-believer, whom you bring into your own home. You should be influencing her, and not her influencing you into idol worship. You have the truth concerning Jesus Christ. It is good you let her into your home and take care of her, and you should, for religion that is undefiled is this, to look after widows and orphans in their distress. And if you do not look after your own, then you would be worse than an unbeliever. But tell her about Jesus Christ. Make use of every opportunity to proclaim Christ.

In this world, there will be false teaching everywhere you turn, even among people who proclaim they know Christ, but add or subtract … Listen to Broadcast & Read More