Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/11/2023

Pharmakeia Details in The Word of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P20 (10-11-23)

Jesus, God in Flesh is/was the Only Truly Normal Man From God’s Perspective

~ We live in a world where man sets himself up as the final authority on all things instead of God. We ignore the word of God and go to all types of human institutions to try and figure ourselves and our children out. We pump ourselves up with pharmakeia (drugs and poisons) in order to try and change our behaviors. And even in fear we take things that quite frankly are what the word of God refers to as sorcery, pharmakeia. But most don’t believe that. They continue to trust in man instead of God. Take a close look at the details of the word pharmakeia in Greek. It’s directly where we get big pharma from, and it means exactly what it says below. Pay attention to the details.

Strong’s #5331: pharmakeia (pronounced far-mak-i’-ah)

from 5332; medication (“pharmacy”), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):–sorcery, witchcraft.

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
1) the use or the administering of drugs
2) poisoning
3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4) metaphorically the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/10/2023

Jesus Made You Holy

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P19 (10-10-23)

Spiritual Gifts Are Given by God For The Common Good of The Body of Christ Jesus

~ A reminder, that programs are repeated a bit from the previous day. And the following is being repeated and needs to be understood in the details. The Holy Spirit wants us to know and understand this, and take it to heart. Spiritual gifts are given by God, and not everyone is given the same spiritual gifts. And those gifts are given by God, for the common good of the body of Christ Jesus to be used down here on earth as God decides and for HIS purpose. We don’t decide to get a gift from Him. He decides what gifts to give and to whom. And as such, repeating again the following: “the body of Christ is here to serve each other as the Holy Spirit has assignments for each of us. We may not even recognize our assignments at the time, but God knows what he would have each of us do and say. However, we are not to be thinking of ourselves as more special than we ought. For there are no “big … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/02/2023

Only by Faith in Jesus Not by Works

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P813 (03-02-23)

What is Faith? And How Am I Saved?

~ “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” Hebrews 11:1,2

~ Carlos
“Thank you, okay. Sometimes I listen to your program on and off. And my question is about faith. And, first of all, what is faith, and is faith all I need to be saved?”

~ Bob George
“Carlos, it’s not your faith. It’s who your faith is in you and I exercise faith every day we exercise faith, when we sit in the chair that’s going to hold us we exercise faith when we go into a restaurant, that they’re not serving us poison. So we exercise faith every day in something. So it’s, it’s not our faith, it’s who our faith is in. And our faith has to come into the one who claimed to be the way in the truth and the life. And the no one will come to the Father except through me, and that’s the Christ Jesus. And that’s where our faith has to be placed in the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 08/08/2022

Church is Not on The Corner of Walk and Dont Walk

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P64 (08-08-22)

Today the Body of Christ is the Body of Believers

~ The church, the ecclesia, the True church is made up of born again believers in Christ Jesus. The church is not on the corner of walk and don’t walk. It is not someplace you go. No one goes to church. Sure we use that term in everyday talk, but the truth of the matter is that the church is all over the earth today, and the Holy Spirit has made us a part of that group, when the Spirit comes to indwell a person, they become part of the body of Christ Jesus.

Listen in to today’s lesson with more in-depth teaching, from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ, available for purchase from our online Bob George Ministries ecommerce store.

Just as a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christians’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching, shifting opinions and general confusion in the world than ever before, Christians … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/23/2021

Work of Ministry is to Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 2 (11-23-21)

Understanding the Work of The Ministry – Trusting in Jesus

Where are you in this coming up Thanksgiving season? Are you in a season of your life now where you are free to talk with your mother or your father? Or is that relationship strained? Do you have brothers and sisters in Christ whom you can be with? Well, you are blessed. God tells us to be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. What does that mean? God sees you and rejoices with you when you rejoice but He also grieves with you when you grieve. He is always available for help in time of need. And there is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding because you know Him. You have understood and entered the Sabbath rest with God. That is why we can be thankful. We learn patience and endurance through the things we struggle, the trial and tribulations of life, humbly depending on the Holy Spirit of God, who leads us from within, as a child of God. That is why we can boast in our weaknesses, for when we are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/03/2021

Victory Over Depression - Book

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P604 (02-03-21)


Oftentimes people grow up with religion and reject the reality of Christ Jesus. They associate Christ with things spoken in context of preachers speaking things that are simply not true. Instead of checking out what is being said as being true or not, we see no reality in it, so we reject the religion, but sadly we also reject Christ, whom we associate with in our minds. But one day, we see the reality of a changed life in someone else, who has the Spirit of God living in him. So we ask, what is it in him that is different? What kind of life does he have that I do not? Then you hear the practical wisdom he shares from God’s word. Your heart is moved. You see the practical wisdom and how people are able to walk in joy and peace. People have come to Christ that way. Christ in you was a light that shined in a dark world, but truth was made known concerning Christ, of the gospel that saves, and he believed and put His faith in Christ.

But as believers, as a child of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More