Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P26 (10-25-23)
Serve One Another in Love ~ Love is Jesus ~ Truth
~ Much of what we do today is skewed based on our misunderstanding of things. For example, the word Love as defined in the word of God is completely misunderstood today, even big time misunderstanding within the body of Christ too. We are told to serve one another in love, by following the way of Love. But here is where it gets important to understand what love is and what it is NOT. First off, we have to understand that Love lives in the true child of God today. We are told in the scriptures that Love is Jesus, and that He lives in every true child of God. That doesn’t mean that Love has a muzzle over their mouth. It doesn’t mean that Love is not a foreteller of truth.
And because of our misunderstanding of love, we let the flesh get in the way of allowing love to flow in and through us. We let our flesh talk to us, because truth seems too harsh a reality sometimes and we are worried what people may think of us. We … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message