Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P865 (08-31-23)
Salvation is Receiving the Resurrected Life of Christ Jesus
~ When a person places faith in Jesus for salvation, they are not simply placing faith in a historical figure. For most people actually believe that Jesus was a real person in history, but they don’t know that he was God in the flesh that took away their sins at the cross. Or they give lip service to that. And simply believing in a historical person won’t save a person either. Only by hearing the Truth of the Word of God can a person be saved from death to LIFE. Jesus is God in the flesh. He forgave ALL your sins at the cross. Now place faith in Him and what He and He alone did for you personally at the cross. When you place faith in the TRUTH of the Word of God, His Spirit comes to live inside you and give you eternal life. And a reminder, Eternal Life is ETERNAL.
… Listen to Broadcast & Read MoreBrethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God,