Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/31/2023

Salvation is Receiving New Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P865 (08-31-23)

Salvation is Receiving the Resurrected Life of Christ Jesus

~ When a person places faith in Jesus for salvation, they are not simply placing faith in a historical figure. For most people actually believe that Jesus was a real person in history, but they don’t know that he was God in the flesh that took away their sins at the cross. Or they give lip service to that. And simply believing in a historical person won’t save a person either. Only by hearing the Truth of the Word of God can a person be saved from death to LIFE. Jesus is God in the flesh. He forgave ALL your sins at the cross. Now place faith in Him and what He and He alone did for you personally at the cross. When you place faith in the TRUTH of the Word of God, His Spirit comes to live inside you and give you eternal life. And a reminder, Eternal Life is ETERNAL.

Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God,

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Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/10/2023

Jesus is The Mediator of the New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P859 (08-10-23)

The Spirit of God is the Revealer of Truth

~ When the word of God is spoken today, there are many people that know what the word of God says but don’t have a clue what it means. People will even post on social media, and they will merge both the old covenant and the new covenant and not understand the significance of the two. They will think that a person must be baptized (water baptism) in order to be saved. Sometimes it feels like you are talking right past a person, because they will acknowledge things, but their thinking is just totally wrong. It’s a very subtle thing at times. People will even think they are saved for thirty, forty years, because they think they did something in order to be saved forty years ago, like walking down an aisle to get their sins forgiven, or being dunked in water. Some even think that they have repented of all of their sins, yet they will speak double talk and say they repent daily of certain sins. They in effect are saying out loud, that they have not repented of all … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/04/2023

Forgive as the Lord Forgave You

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P858 (08-04-23)

Are We Supposed to Pray The Lord’s Prayer Today?

~ The Lord’s Prayer was answered by the Father when Jesus prayed it as an example of how to pray. Yet today, people repeat the prayer over and over and over again, the Catholic’s saying it with their rosary beads and in their masses, and the Protestants repeat it also in their services as though they think God is pleased with us when we say the Lord’s prayer again and again. Most people never really give a second thought to what they are doing and what they are saying. They don’t have a clue that Jesus taught under the Old Covenant, and certainly don’t understand that the New Covenant began at His death on the cross. In fact, most stop at the wrong place with the Lord’s prayer in itself and don’t even know what the ending of it really is, nor do they understand the warning of what forgiveness was like under the old covenant. And this is why there is such a misunderstanding of the word of God today. People don’t go on to the NEW, of forgiving one another … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/08/2023

The New Covenant is New

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P841 (06-08-23)

We Are Under a New Covenant Today! Exercise Faith.

~ There are a great number of pastors and teachers today that are teaching legalism in one form or another. An indicator is they teach error in teaching tithing is for today. They will cherry pick the old testament scriptures, attempting to make people feel guilty about not paying tithes, as though tithing is for today. Tithing was old covenant. We live in a new covenant today. The tithe was set up to support the old covenant Levitical priesthood. Today, we have a new priest, Jesus Christ, one that lives forever. So legalistic pastors and teachers will still push the tithe yet forget about all the other aspects of the law. The teaching of tithing for today is an indicator of what these people really believe and teach. Get away from these legalistic corrupt teachers, stop listening to them, stop giving to them (exercise faith) because it says, they have a perverted corrupt mind of those that teach godliness is a means to financial gain.

~ “If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood—and indeed the law given to the Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/31/2023

The New Covenant of Jesus Christ

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P822 (03-31-23)

We Are Called to be Ministers of a New Covenant!

~ “And He has qualified us as ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” 2 Corinthians 3:6

Bob George answers the question in regards to tithing today.

~ Bob George
“Here again, this is putting God in the box of being a responder instead of an initiator. It’s saying, if you do this, God will do that, that puts God in a position of being a responder and I’m being the initiator. And that puts me in a position of being greater than God. Very simple. If I’m the initiator, and God’s the responder, I’m greater than God, I can cause God to do what I want him to do. And so if you think if you do this, God will respond, then I’m greater than God. And so that is that is utter nonsense. The reason you don’t need to get your theology straight in regard to tithing, you need to get your theology straight in regard to New Testament giving. And again, what is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/04/2022

Propitiation - Jesus Took Away the Sins of the World

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P785 (11-04-22)

Tithing is Not in The New Covenant ~ Quit Trying to Live Under Old Covenant Law

~ Tithing is Old Testament. It was what the Hebrews were to do to set them apart and to support the Levitical priesthood, which was only to Israel. Has nothing to do with the church. It had to do with Israel. When there have been a Bible in the New Testament, it says where there’s a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law. That I hope that you’re not under the Levite priesthood. So in as much as there has been a change in the priesthood, Christ, Jesus is your priest. There has to be a change to the law, including tithing. And that’s why Paul devoted two chapters in Corinthians to freewill giving, to give joyfully to get to excel in the grace of giving, not the law of giving the grace of giving. To give joyfully to give in accordance to what you do have not in accordance what you don’t have. There’s so that’s that is why would he devote two chapters to how to give. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More