Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/02/2021

Follow Jesus to The Cross and Resurrection

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P622 (04-02-21)


People often ask questions from scripture, and get focused on a word or two in a translation that gets them confused. The key is you hold onto truth in scripture you know are true, and do not let less clear scripture conflict with what you know is true. For if you are in Christ Jesus, you know the gospel you have come to understand and have believed in. Instead, it usually means you need to check it out with another translation and also read more of the passage in its entire context.

An example of that is the passage in 2 Corinthians 5:9-10. Is it really about judgment, as if we are going to be judged, or punished by God, for the bad things we have done in our flesh? No. God already dealt with sin once and for all when He shed His blood on a cross. The gospel has made that clear, where other scriptures clearly reveal that, as in Hebrews, where Jesus promised us that He remembers our sins no more and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

That passage of scripture … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/28/2020

Baptism and the Lords Supper

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P566 (08-28-20)


So often in our lives, we have been taught so many things that are just errors from denominational persuasions of men. Such pastors and other believers may be sincere and well meaning, but have not interpreted scripture correctly. But as you read through entire passages of scripture for yourself, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you, you will begin to see truth that will set you free.

This is certainly true when it comes to teaching on the Lord’s supper. So many times, people are scared to death to even take the Lord’s supper for fear they have taken it in an unworthy manner, and therefore, will heap judgment on themselves. Oftentimes, people will introspect and even ask God to forgive them of their sins. This shows a huge lack of understanding on several fundamental truths, and how a misinterpretation of a passage of scripture has prevented thousands of people from celebrating the new covenant we are under today.

First of all, Jesus already went to a cross over 2000 years ago to take away the sins of the entire world, forever, from the eyes of God. That was a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/29/2020

The Wicked Lost Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P540 (05-29-20)


In this day and age of the Coronavirus, and various events going on in the political realm, people have asked even today, what needs to be done to stop these evil or deceived people who are pushing for this one world government? What should pastors do? Even in Bob’s lifetime, people called in asking the same question. First of, if you are a pastor, or any born again believer for that matter, do not get side-tracked from your primary purpose, and that is to proclaim the gospel. All of these events we continue to see happening are certainly signs of the end times and preparation for what we know is prophesied in Revelation. The greatest avenue we have, each citizen of the United States, is to exercise our voting rights. If you are in Christ, then you need to ask for wisdom from God, so your vote is in accordance with understanding and discernment, for Jesus even told us to not let anyone deceive you. And, we are certainly instructed to pray for all those in authority over us that we may live peaceable and quiet lives.

But to put … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/21/2020

Life in The Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P537 (05-21-20)


Knowing God and His word, the meaning of the word as revealed by the Spirit of God, is really useful for practical living.Sometimes you wonder what happens in religious denominations, if they even know God or His word. You have people who just do not think, believing the King James only bible, and those who are into legalism. It sure makes you wonder if they even have the Spirit, because if you have the Spirit living in you, you would think you would be led by the Spirit. You cannot be led by the spirit and be led by the law at the same time.

As a person led by the Spirit of God, you will begin to realize when something is not working, those old thinking patterns you used to have as a lost person. You might be struggling in your marriage. But little by little you hear truth, and that truth is maybe taught in a different way than how you have been taught in your local denomination you assemble with and it just helps you to walk free, in a new and different way.

Take for example, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/19/2020

Do Not Harden Your Heart to Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P45 (02-19-20)


Although many people, among the Jews, rejected the message of the gospel, a remnant was saved. Many Jews did reject Christ Jesus as the Messiah. However, there is always a remnant that are willing to listen. The first people who came to Christ were Jewish people. Thousands heard the preaching of the apostle Peter, and the other apostles, and were saved. There are those who will have humble hearts, who will hear, believe and be saved.

Today, it seems, not many people want to listen to truth. Many people’s minds are made up, and do not realize the errors they have believed. They would rather hold on to their denominational belief system, but not test it out with the word of God to see if what is said is true. Few will even open a bible up to read it. I encourage you to read your bible, not to gather information, but to get to know the author, who is God. As you read, ask the Holy Spirit to explain to you the meaning of it. Learn to ask questions of God. If you seek Him with all your heart, He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/17/2020

Jesus The Stone

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P43 (02-17-20)


How is it that our flesh is so prone to begin puffed up with pride. The apostle Paul now addresses this issue of pride with the Gentiles. The Gentiles, who pursued pleasure and certainly were not seeking God, found God, or rather, were found by God, believed the message concerning Christ Jesus and were saved. The Jews, who pursued a righteousness that is by works, a self righteousness, and, therefore, rejected the message concerning Christ Jesus. The Jews received all of the law and the prophets, saw the parting of the Red Sea, had the Old Covenant scriptures read to them, and in numerous ways God provided for them, yet they failed to come to Christ for life. The Gentiles then began to get haughty and proud that they came to life in Christ while the Jews did not. Paul wrote to the Romans, to the the Gentile believers in Rome, to correct this attitude.

Paul explains that he himself is a Jew, and shares from his heart how he longs for all of Israel, his brothers and sisters by heritage, to be saved. The Jews had a zeal for God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More