Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/15/2019

Understanding The New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P492 (11-15-19)


Callers asked questions in regards to tithing, baptism, honoring your parents and not exasperating your children, and receiving instruction and training in the Lord. To those new in Christ, baptism can be a foreign concept, not understood. Sadly, so many have taught tithing for today, which should not be. Then there are those practical matters that are sometimes confusing to you as to how to live in this new way of life that you received.

To those who have been under almost any pastor in Christendom today, you have been told that you are to give the first ten percent to God, and that if you do not, then you are told that you robbing God. But is that what the word of God instructs us to do, who are not under law but under grace? No!

So many pastors today have pounded on tithing for today, which is clearly wrong, when one understands the teaching of Paul in 2 Corinthians on New Testament giving. So many call out of guilt or confusion. When someone finds themselves unable to tithe because of a financial difficulty they are now in, then … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/31/2019

How to Avoid The Lure of Deception

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P487 (10-31-19)


Bob answers the common questions that are asked today. Many times people attend a certain denomination but do not check out if what is being taught is true. If you are born again, you have the Holy Spirit living in you. So now, you have the mind of Christ and can discern the things of God. But do you read God’s word so that your mind can be renewed? How do you know if Bob George, or whoever you listen to, is teaching you correctly? How do you know if your pastor or Sunday school or denominational persuasion is teaching you correctly? You cannot know if you do not open up the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you.

Many times we will let our children see something on television, listening to some self proclaimed experts, who proclaim things as if they are true. A parent came home to find out his 14 year old son being taken in on someone speaking from the gospel of Judas. First of all, we do not know who wrote the book of Judas. He certainly was not an apostle … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/20/2019

Biblical Audio CDs

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P475 (9-20-19)


Ernest from Strausburg, PA

Ernest: I have a quick question on 2 Timothy 2:12.

2 Timothy 2:12
12 if we endure,
we will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
he will also disown us;

Ernest: What does that mean?

Bob: A person who denies Christ, Christ denies them. He accepts our non-acceptance. You say you do not want anything to do with God. Then He says that He will not have anything to do with you either. It would be like a person who says, “I do not want to be around this person”. Then he says, “I do not want to be around you then”. (Of course, God is patient and waiting for a person to change their mind, longing to be gracious to him.)

Bob: Now talking about Christians. If you are faithless, then he will remain faithful for he cannot disown Himself. When you come to Christ, you have not denied Him because you came to Him by faith. But you can be faithless, that is, you can choose to not continue to walk by faith. In the midst of that, He will remain faithful … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/05/2019

Baptism and the Lords Supper

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P470 (9-05-19)


Several callers asked if there are prophets today. Prior to the finished work of Jesus Christ, God’s word had to be explained to men. But no man then had the Spirit to explain things to them. All men are born spiritually dead. So God raised up prophets in the Old Testament to instruct men. These prophets had direct revelation from God and spoke the very words of God. That is how the Old Testament came into existence, as these words were written down. God, knowing the god of this world and the hearts of men, wanted to ensure that people knew what His words are, and not lies proclaimed from deceived and wicked men. Therefore, when God formed a nation of the Jewish people under an Old Covenant system, established for that time period, the instruction was given that if anyone claimed to be a prophet and what he said did not come to pass, then that person was to be stoned to death.

Today, there are no need of prophets because all that man needs to know of such spiritual importance for life and godliness, and concerning Christ Jesus … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 09/02/2019

A New Creature in Christ

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 66 (09-02-19)


Bob George continues sharing from the 13th chapter of John. Here is Peter, like all of us, born spiritually dead, without the spirit of God living in him, living in darkness. But who is he listening to? He is listening to the Light of the world, the man sent from heaven, sent to explain spiritual truth to him. Can he understand what Jesus is saying? No. Neither could we without the Spirit of God living in us. Yet truth is being explained to him. What does he decide to do with the very words of Jesus?

When someone is born again, having the Spirit of God living in him, what is supposed to happen? There is supposed to be a change that takes place. You become a new creation, not an old one. Many times that does not happen overnight. Conversion experiences are all over the place. For some people, their behavior changes immediately. With others, that change in behavior takes a while. The issue is, if you are in Christ, then you will never be happy in your old life style. If you are, then something is wrong … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 08/28/2019

Jesus is the Message of Grace and Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 65 (08-28-19)


Bob George continues sharing from the 13th chapter of John. Here is Peter, like all of us, born spiritually dead, without the spirit of God living in him, living in darkness. But who is he listening to? He is listening to the Light of the world, the man sent from heaven, sent to explain spiritual truth to him. Can he understand what Jesus is saying? No. Neither could we without the Spirit of God living in us. Yet truth is being explained to him. What does he decide to do with the very words of Jesus?

When someone is born again, having the Spirit of God living in him, what is supposed to happen? There is supposed to be a change that takes place. You become a new creation, not an old one. Many times that does not happen overnight. Conversion experiences are all over the place. For some people, their behavior changes immediately. With others, that change in behavior takes a while. The issue is, if you are in Christ, then you will never be happy in your old life style. If you are, then something is wrong … Listen to Broadcast & Read More