Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 2 (01-02-24)

Attitudes of the Heart

Classic Christianity – A New Heart for a New Year Part 2 (01-02-24)

God Wants to Change The Attitudes of the Heart With His Spirit in You

~ A person who is lost needs a new heart. So many, have a heart of stone today. They are not willing to listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling them. They ignore the Truth of the word of God. They ignore the Truth, Jesus. They would much rather listen to the teaching of man, instead of listening to the teaching of God through His word and the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit to teach a person ALL Truth. And that is key, because there are so many lies by Satan that are brainwashing most people today that if they would simply humble themselves and say, “Lord Jesus, show me All truth and what is really going on in the world today,” He would do that. But that requires the wisdom of God (His Holy Spirit) to live in a person to provide them with the wisdom to understand these days we are living in. Time is short folks, pay attention to the details in the word of God. For details … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/17/2023

The Law is Like a Mirror

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P888 (11-17-23)

What Good is The Law? What is the Purpose of The Law?

~ It’s important that we get a handle on what the Law is for and what it is Not for. One of the callers on Bob’s show had a number of questions in regards to the law. And those same type of questions go on today. Some people state that the law is for Christians today in order that God would be pleased with a person if they obeyed the law. Others believe that the Holy Spirit helps you to obey the law. Others think that God is somehow disappointed with you when you disobey the law. Nothing could be further from the truth. Faith is what pleases God. And without faith, it is impossible to please God.

If you are still under the law today, the Word of God declares you are under a curse. So, if you are a child of God through faith, it says you are no longer under the law. So as a child of God, why in the world would you want to place yourself back under the law? And if someone wants … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/16/2023

Are You a Professor or a Possessor of Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P887 (11-16-23)

There Are Many Professors of Jesus and Then There are True Possessors of Jesus

~ Today the world is filled with many false Christians everywhere you look. Many many people will name the name of Jesus, but when it comes right down to it, they believe in a different Jesus. They don’t have the Holy Spirit living in them. For they profess the name of Jesus but don’t possess His Holy Spirit living in them. They are believing every wind of doctrine today that comes from man. They refuse to exercise faith. They refuse to reason together with the Holy Spirit. They are basing things on their own understanding and bring up to themselves what their itching ears want to hear. And it should not surprise us that during these last days the Spirit of God is revealing the truth of what is going on. We are in a time where the tares are becoming more and more visible before the harvest. They are showing their true colors. Come let us reason together says the Lord. Most people will not reason (exercise faith) with God. Details matter on everything. Pay attention … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/21/2023

Jesus Came to Take Away The Sins of The World on The Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P871 (09-21-23)

Jesus Was in The Tomb, Three Days AND Three Nights

~ Again, details matter in everything with the word of God. Jesus was in the tomb for three days and three nights. They were not partial days and partial nights as has been taught by the majority of pastors and teachers because of the traditions of man. We overlook the details, and automatically assume that on a Friday was when Jesus was crucified and died and was buried. But that is NOT the case. Listen in as Bob and Aaron discuss this in detail. And a reminder, the word of God in the original language is also key. Many times the very words have been changed by man down through the years that the true meaning of words have actually been changed in meaning in our minds. Not everything is as it seems to be. Trust in no man, but always, ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom in all that you read and hear in these last days. For details matter in everything, including the very words we use to describe something from the word of God.

~ Now Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 07/25/2023

Jesus Loves You God Forgave You

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P74 (07-25-23)

Make Your Body Available to Jesus For Service to Him

~ In view of God’s mercy and love for us, we ought to love one another as he has loved us. How do we do that? By abiding in the Vine. For He is the vine and we are the branches. He wants us to simply be available to be used by Him. That is our proper worship and our daily sacrifice to Him. When a child of God is abiding in Him, the Holy Spirit will instruct us to do and say what the Spirit of God wants us to do and say. God is the one that will provide the fruit of the Spirit. We can’t do any of it ourselves, but only He can do all of it. Yet so many times, we forget the truth of the word of God in this area of our lives, and we try and go out grunting and groaning for God himself. We stop resting in Him and instead focus on what we think we ought to do, based on the energy of our flesh. We forget that He is the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/24/2023

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Classic Christianity – The Book of John P73 (07-24-23)

You Come to Christ Jesus Because Your Sins Are Already Forgiven at The Cross

~ One of the biggest lies and misunderstandings of the gospel that is taught today, is the lie, that you come to Christ Jesus to get your sins forgiven. Satan has convinced the world that you come to Jesus, and then he forgives you your sins when you ask for it, or faith it. Another way of saying it, is most people don’t believe that Jesus died for everyone’s sins, only those that place faith in Jesus. So called grace teachers will teach this one point of Calvinism very subtlety. They won’t say that Jesus had limited atonement but they will indirectly say there is limited propitiation of sins only for the elect. One well known teacher will even go so far as to say “that anyone that teaches that Jesus forgave everyone’s sins at the cross is a charlatan.” They will not even tell a lost person their sins are forgiven, because in their mind they don’t know if that person will ever have faith or not to believe their sins are forgiven, thus they don’t … Listen to Broadcast & Read More