Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/09/2021

Vine and Branches

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P8 (06-09-21)


What are those better promises under a New Covenant? First of all, it does not depend on us to keep it. Under an Old Covenant, if you failed but once, you are guilty of breaking all of the law, and are under a curse. For scripture tells us that cursed is everyone who does not continue to do all that is written in the book of the law. Under a New Covenant, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Second, God has given you everything you need for life and godliness. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He lives in you to instruct you and guide you into all truth. He loves and accepts you unconditionally. Then on that special day, when you shall leave this earth, you will see Him face to face. You will be changed in a twinkling of an eye, for you shall see Him as He really is.

Jesus is the guarantee of a promised eternal inheritance stored up in heaven for you, where moth and rust do not destroy. How can He guarantee this, this … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/23/2021

Jesus is Light - Place Faith in Him

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P8 (02-23-21)


The word of God points to Jesus Christ. Inasmuch as Jesus is alive, His word is alive. You cannot separate those because when God says something, it is a total reflection of His being, unlike us. So God is living and God is active. He is alive and so God’s word is living and is active.

The word of God had to be confirmed and it was, but all scripture points to Jesus, in what He came to do for us through His death, burial and resurrection for us, so we may live a new life. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correction, rebuke and training in righteousness. The word of God that we hold in our hands will teach us. Teach us what? Truth. That will do what? Set us free. It is teaching for rebuking what is taught. We have gone off the road, and it tells us we are off the road. It is useful for correcting. What is that? Getting you back on the road. Training for righteousness. What is that? Keeping you on the road. So the word … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 03/23/2020

Jesus is True Righteousness

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P58 (03-23-20)


We are in Romans 15. Bob George provides further background information in our study of Romans. He discusses how Jesus was a Jew, and so were all the apostles and prophets He raised up to bring he message of good news, the gospel, to all mankind. Just as today, you have religion in conflict or in contradiction to a real genuine relationship with the living God, through Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh. You had orthodox Jews and you had the conservative Jew, and you had the born again Jew. So too today. You have the religious people, the secular people, and the born again people, who came out from among all nations, peoples, and tongues. The gospel went to the Jew first, and then to the Gentile. That is why the Jew has a special place in the heart of a born again Gentile. It was through the apostle Paul, a Jew, that we have the scriptures in our own language today, so we might know God and His Son Jesus Christ, and come to know we have eternal life. With eternal life, we are made into a … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/08/2020

Purpose of The Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P27 (01-08-19)


In Romans, Paul uses several illustrations in explaining truth of living under grace. He uses an illustration of marriage to illustrate that we are to die to the law of sin and death and live to another, Jesus Christ our Lord. So a husband who dies, then the woman he was married to is free to marry another man. She is no longer bound to the law of marriage since her husband has died.

As Paul uses various illustrations, the illustration of master and slaves and the law of marriage, he is explaining truth to people who were so accustomed to living under the law of Moses. They perverted the law and made into a means to obtaining righteousness. The truth he taught went against everything the Jewish world at that time believed to be true. As it was in that day, so it is still today. There is still Jewish orthodoxy under strict legalism, that forbids spitting on the ground on the Sabbath. You even have a Sabbat elevator to prevent work on the Sabbath.

You also have the church world today that puts people under law. You have heard … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/05/2019

Obedience to The Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P495 (12-05-19)


So often in today’s religious world, people are burdened under legalism. They may or may not have understood the gospel of God’s grace. They might possibly heard only a half gospel, incorrectly thinking that they must ask for forgiveness or even keep asking for God’s forgiveness but have not heard about coming to Christ for life. Sadly, many churches will teach people to keep short accounts with God. Even if a person is born again, they got under legalistic teaching, and you got under teaching, that if you keep on sinning, God is going to turn His back on you. Many people think they have backslidden when that is truly not the case. The word backslidden is not even in the scriptures.

A man has walked away from the knowledge of the love of God. Yes, his behavior is sinful, but he did not lose fellowship with God. God never left him, who is in Christ and Christ is in him. The Holy Spirit is sealed in you for the day of redemption. How can you go boldly to the throne of grace if you think God is mad at … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message