Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P586 (11-06-20)
The topics that often come up among believers is what about repenting of your sins. Many people think sharing the gospel requires people to repent of all their sins. Other people think that the law is a support for a believer, like a guide to live by. We hear a lot of things in this world, but all those things we hear have to be tested with the word of God and through the Spirit of God, to test the truth of what is being said.
The truth of the matter is, none of us are born a Christian. We were all born lost, without the spirit of God living in us. We had to be born again. When we were lost, we were, by default under the law of sin and death. We had to be released from that law and set free in Christ. Under law, there is a punishment, otherwise the meaningless.
The punishment for sin, according to God, is the wages of sin is death. For God to be perfectly just, that punishment for sin had to be paid. That is just too great a price … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message