Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 11/06/2020

Jesus Fulfilled the Law For Us

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P586 (11-06-20)


The topics that often come up among believers is what about repenting of your sins. Many people think sharing the gospel requires people to repent of all their sins. Other people think that the law is a support for a believer, like a guide to live by. We hear a lot of things in this world, but all those things we hear have to be tested with the word of God and through the Spirit of God, to test the truth of what is being said.

The truth of the matter is, none of us are born a Christian. We were all born lost, without the spirit of God living in us. We had to be born again. When we were lost, we were, by default under the law of sin and death. We had to be released from that law and set free in Christ. Under law, there is a punishment, otherwise the meaningless.

The punishment for sin, according to God, is the wages of sin is death. For God to be perfectly just, that punishment for sin had to be paid. That is just too great a price … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/16/2020

Jesus God Speaking Through the Prophets

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P580 (10-16-20)


Truth is so important to grab a hold of so you can walk in the way God intended. On today’s program, two callers called, that highlight how when truth is not understood or grasped, you are unable to walk in the new life God has given you. There are those people who will not think it worthwhile to hold onto truth, and have been deceived by the thinking of the world, and are lost. Sometimes people call in on behalf of a son or daughter or granddaughter who has been ensnared, and are asking for counsel in how to reach their loved ones with truth. Then there are those who have not quite grasped what salvation is, and because of their faulty thinking, such as the fear of losing salvation, they are unable to walk in true freedom.

Glenn asked a simple question but really opened up to expose a more serious problem in his belief system. For many years he was enslaved in fear and depression over guilt over a past sin of fornication. Bob graciously helped guide him to truth so he could walk in new freedom. He … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/15/2020

Jesus Lives in Believers

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P579 (10-15-20)


The older you get, you will be at a funeral of a mother or father or close friend. That is a part of life. That was not God’s design for people to die. That came about when the first created beings sinned, and so sin and death entered the world.

But, God, out of His deep love for us, provided a solution so that we can be raised to new life in Him. If you grasp the depth of His love for you, of His taking away your cause of death, called sin, then you can appreciate the cross. For you realize how depraved and hopeless you are, and have come to grips that not only are you a sinner, but you are separated from your creator, who loves you so much. When you realize He died to take away your sins, and then rose again so you can freely come to Him, to receive new life, His life you were unable to live. You accept the life in Christ Jesus that is full of joy and peace and patience and kindness. You respond to that and receive Him, His … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/13/2020

True Faith Creates a Change of Heart

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P37 (07-13-20)


We are continuing in our study on Faith, Hope and Love. Now, in regards to belief and faith, they are different. Belief is based on what is in your head, information, but faith is what you put in your heart, a conviction you live by, and is based on truth. Belief is memorizing something, and even talking about it, but it would be like a parrot merely repeating what it heard. Now faith is a conviction of the heart, with solid convictions formed in you. Faith produces attitudes of the heart. You can place your faith on either a faulty foundation or a firm foundation. If you see a broken chair, you know it will not hold you up. If you see a solid chair, you can place your faith by sitting down on that chair. Your faith is made evident by your action. You live by your faith, the firm convictions and attitudes formed in you by what you know to be true, and are persuaded of and convinced of.

No, when it comes to law and grace, you read about the ten commandments and … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 07/09/2020

Jesus Came to Give You Life

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P551 (07-09-20)


It takes time to grow and mature in Christ. Oftentimes, when you have been a Christian awhile, you will hear common questions being asked by many people, generation after generation. Certain verses or passages of scripture, when not understood in its context, in the totality of the cross, of being made complete in Christ, being under a New Covenant, not under an Old Covenant, you are likely to have a faulty interpretation of scripture. The key to understanding, first of all, is to be born again of the Spirit. Assuming that is so, then you have the mind of Christ, and the Spirit will lead you into truth.

The problem that many people have is that they rely on denominational persuasions of men. They listen to too many preachers out there, and do not get into the word of God themselves. Ask the Spirit of God to reveal the meaning of the word of God to you. He is the only one you can rely on to reveal the truth, the meaning of the word of God, to you.

Oftentimes, a young believer will come across a passage, that somehow … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 06/26/2020

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P548 (06-26-20)


Today’s callers asked for help in regard to marriage issues and even about how to quit smoking. A lady called on behalf of her older sister who is seeing another man. Another person asked for clarification on a passage of scripture in regards to a passage in regard to adultery and marriage in Matthew 18:8-10. A person called about clarification on a passage of scripture, in Colossians 1:21-23, that seemed to indicate you could lose your salvation, even though he knows you cannot. Then there was this question that you still her quite often today, “Is a Catholic a Christian?”

Many of the questions these callers asked can easily be answered when, first of all you have the Spirit of God living in you, and you know the difference between the old covenant of sin and death, before the cross, and the new covenant of grace, after the cross, that we are under today. So when Jesus is saying things in the gospel of Mathew, Mark, Luke or John, he is saying things to people living under an old covenant, and the new has not yet come.

Another common way … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message