Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/17/2019

Life to the Dead

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P23 (12-17-19)


Let the Holy Spirit reveal truth to you as you read the 5th chapter of Romans. Paul answers a common question: What is the purpose of the law? Have you come to understand that the law was never designed for you to be made righteous before God? It is only through the law that you are conscious of sin. The law is to reveal sin in you so that you might seek a savior. There is only one savior, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has no sin of his own, being God in the flesh, and the only one who has a life to lay down only to raise it up again.

But who has understood what Jesus came to do? Many know that Jesus died, was buried and rose again. But just knowing that is like knowing Jesus as a man in history. Even Satan knows that Jesus died, but that certainly made no difference in the heart of Satan. What is the condition of your heart today? To those who are lost, I make this appeal. Have you recognized that you are a sinner? Have … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/06/2019

Victory Over Depression - Book

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P496 (12-06-19)


As we live in our present bodies, in this sin-indwelling flesh, none of us are beyond falling into old sinful patterns. Yes, we, who are in Christ, live under the grace of God, but we never want to take advantage of God’s grace and live in sin for which Christ has set us free. So Paul addresses the church in Corinth, for the third time now, and is grieved and humbled to go over these same matters again. He provides firm correction, as we read in 1 Corinthians, about a man who has his father’s wife. The Corinthian church was boasting and should be grieved. The church listened to Paul’s instruction, and the man was put out of fellowship with the church, to be handed over to Satan so his flesh will be destroyed. We read in 2 Corinthians that the discipline of the many was sufficient, and the man went out of his way to clear himself of this matter, having true godly sorrow over sin. The church was then instructed to go out of their way to show their love to him so he is not overcome with … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/05/2019

Obedience to The Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P495 (12-05-19)


So often in today’s religious world, people are burdened under legalism. They may or may not have understood the gospel of God’s grace. They might possibly heard only a half gospel, incorrectly thinking that they must ask for forgiveness or even keep asking for God’s forgiveness but have not heard about coming to Christ for life. Sadly, many churches will teach people to keep short accounts with God. Even if a person is born again, they got under legalistic teaching, and you got under teaching, that if you keep on sinning, God is going to turn His back on you. Many people think they have backslidden when that is truly not the case. The word backslidden is not even in the scriptures.

A man has walked away from the knowledge of the love of God. Yes, his behavior is sinful, but he did not lose fellowship with God. God never left him, who is in Christ and Christ is in him. The Holy Spirit is sealed in you for the day of redemption. How can you go boldly to the throne of grace if you think God is mad at … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/03/2019

Saved by Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P17 (12-03-19)


God has always wanted man to live by faith, to trust Him. The root of all sin is that man chose not to trust God, to believe what God has said. Man has chosen for himself what is right and wrong, independent of God. That is how sin entered the world. Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that affected the entire human race. Now every person is born in the likeness of Adam in his sinful, broken state. All have sinned and all have died.

That is why Jesus came to this world, to save us from the condition of death, death to God, a separation from God in what was once a trusting and loving relationship between God and man. So God came to first take away the cause of death, which is sin, in order to offer new life to man. Salvation is new life in Christ, the Spirit of God to be placed back into man, to restore what was lost in the garden of Eden. This new life is received by faith, trust in God’s provision of his … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/02/2019

Salvation is Not by Works

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P16 (12-02-19)


From the book of Romans, in the rest of Romans chapter 4, Paul is contrasting law and grace. The law condemns a person as a sinner, but grace sets a person free. Grace is Jesus. He is the only one who could take away the cause of death, which is sin. Having no sin of his own, being God in the flesh, he laid down his life to pay the price of death for sin.

That is what the apostle Paul described as reconciliation. Reconciliation is an accounting term, where a person writes off a debt that is owed. It would be like a man who owed a tremendous amount of money and then went bankrupt. The merchant pays the debt and writes it off the books. That is what Jesus did.

Now to be clear, the cross is how God reconciled the world to himself. That is preparatory for salvation but it is not salvation. If salvation was getting your sins forgiven, then that would be universal salvation. But that is not salvation. Salvation is the receiving of new life.

Jesus did not stay dead, God raised him from the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/28/2019

Be Thankful in Everything

Classic Christianity – Thanksgiving Part 4 (11-28-19)


Turn to Romans and read along as Bob explains its meaning. The book of Romans is a book of contrast between law and grace. The purpose of the law is for man to recognize his sinfulness, his condition of spiritual death, that he might seek a Savior in Jesus Christ. There is so much that the apostle Paul explains concerning the law; its purpose, it’s inability to make one righteous before God, it’s ministry of death to make man realize his sinful state. The law is like a mirror. A mirror can show dirt on the face but it has no power to remove the dirt. So too is the law to show man he is a sinner but there is no power in the law to make anyone righteous before God.

The law demands perfect obedience, which no man in his weakened sinful state could ever completely obey. As James said, if a man obeyed all of the law but failed at just one point, then he is guilty of breaking all of the law. A law without a penalty is no law at all. The law would have no meaning. … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message