Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P18 (01-10-22)
We Live by Faith Not by Sight
The way we live the Christian life is by faith, not sight. Most all believers look forward to being at home with Jesus, but while we are here, God has a mission for us. He has given us a ministry of the Holy Spirit for each of us. Now that ministry of the Holy Spirit is not doing things in the flesh. The flesh is that which rears it’s ugly head from time to time, and we think we are doing something good based on our own understanding of things. Or, that which makes us really feel good inside (because it is something “we” ourselves are doing), yet it may not be something the Holy Spirit would have you do.
Understanding our rewards given to believers is based on what we have allowed the Holy Spirit to do in and through us. Giving a cup of water. Or sharing a word of God to a person hurting. Comforting a stranger with a kind word. The things that as we are led by the Holy Spirit to do will stand … Listen to Broadcast & Read More