Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/26/2019

The Finality of the Cross

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P476 (9-26-19)


Tom from Louisville, KY

Tom: A friend of mine, a pastor of a church I go to, is not resting in the finality of the cross. From a passage in Hebrews chapter 3 where it says if we hold firmly to the end, the confidence we have at first, where he is trying to tell men you can lose your salvation. What does it mean to hold on firmly to the end?

Hebrews 3:14
14 We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.

Bob: The solution to biblical interpretation is context. What is the context of the first three chapters of Hebrews? It is about the superiority of Christ in contrast to the things the Jews are holding onto. He is superior to the angels. He is superior to Moses. He is superior to Abraham. He is God Himself. He is gearing us toward a rest, and that is coming up in chapter 4. That is the the Sabbath rest He wants us to enter into.

Bob: You know that you have the story of the Jews who were … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/12/2019

Born Free

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P431 (4-12-19)

Bob George answered calls from several believers who wanted clarification of truth. There are many things people hear from the church world today. Oftentimes what they hear is confusing and contrary to what they have been reading in God’s word. There is a tendency to trust what a pastor says over what can clearly be revealed from God’s word. Remember, the Holy Spirit is your teacher and He will guide you into all truth. Take heed to His word.

Michael was puzzled about these parents who take their kids to psychologists to get treated for behavioral issues like attention deficit disorder. Where does that all come from. Bob tells people to go to the manufacturer. Who created our bodies and knows how we are made? God. Then go to God and find out about how our mind, will and emotions work. Yet, oftentimes, the first person we see is a psychologist, and more often than not, he does not even know the Lord. Why go to the ungodly for counsel?

Another caller, Martha, had such a sweet spirit about her. Being a new believer she wanted to learn. She had been … Listen to Broadcast & Read More