Radio Broadcast Monday 10/11/2021

Jesus Sets Believers Apart Sanctified

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P28 (10-11-21)

Darkness and Light Refers to Lost and Saved in Scripture

Much of the so-called Christian community have been taught that you can be in and out of fellowship with God, either meaning that you can lose your salvation or you can lose fellowship with God when you sin, and when you lose fellowship, you have to confess those sins in order to get back in fellowship. But let us focus in on this one passage of scripture, where light and darkness are used.

1 John 1:5-7
5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

In this passage in 1 John, there is this contrast between light and darkness, and whenever you see light … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/19/2021

Your Identity in Christ Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P662 (08-19-21)

If God Made You Holy, Set Apart as a Child of God, Walk in that Unity in Spirit and Grow in Truth

In the world today, you may hear people say, “I am a Christian too” But the word Christian has a different connotation of meaning to different people. You used to hear people say that if you are born in America, you are a Christian because this is a Christian nation. Mormons, Protestants and Catholics all say they are Christian, yet they all have different doctrinal beliefs. Others will say that they are a Christian because they were born into a Christian home. Then you may hear or read about “COEXIST”, as if all religions of the world believe the same way, or if they do not, it is just minor doctrinal differences. A person will say that all we need to do is just love one another. That we just all need to get along. The emphasis in the world today is often on unity, to build bridges with other belief systems, with the assumption that we can achieve unity apart from truth, as if everybody can define whatever … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/28/2021

Jesus Completed The Work

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P15 (06-28-21)


Have you ever pondered the sacrifice Jesus made for you? He came to this earth, demonstrated He is God by the things He said and did, and eyewitnesses, the apostles, confirmed that by writing down what they saw and heard. But the ultimate demonstration of His love is He laid down His life for us, only to be raised up to new life again, for our sake. No greater love is there than that.

Unfortunately, many people today do not understand all that Jesus did. Even people who are members of mainline denominations have not understood. Why are people still sacrificing today so as to keep in fellowship with God, to ask God to forgive them when they sin? Or to go to a priest or a confessional booth to get their sins forgiven? When Jesus shed His blood on a cross, and Jesus being God in the flesh, did His one time sacrifice on a cross take away only some sins but not all sins? John the Baptist certainly did not think so. He identified Jesus as the promised Messiah to Israel, and testified that He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/25/2020

Be Grace Sanctified

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P60 (03-25-20)


As believers, we are being sanctified even as we are sanctified. Sanctified means that you are set apart for the purpose God created you. God made you into a new creation, a child of God, with His Spirit living in you. We have the mind of Christ so in our thinking we are to think differently than the world, who knows not God nor has the Spirit. So we are already sanctified. We are to walk by faith in accordance with who you are, a child of God.

God also wants us to grow, to allow ourselves to become sanctified in this world we live in. God wants to renew your mind so you live in accordance with His good purposes for you. So we are to think soberly and guard our minds.

Romans 12:1-2
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able

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Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/22/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P2 (10-22-19)


Bob George now starts in the book of Romans, after providing some introductory background on the life of Paul. Through just the first seven verses of Romans, Bob explains the meaning of words, such as sin, forgiveness, sanctified (set apart), slave, ambassador, saint, truth, gospel, obedience and faith, that we often take for granted, and such words are often not properly understood. The Greek language provides a more precise rendering that helps our understanding in some cases.

The gospel is the message of good news of Jesus Christ and Paul is called as an ambassador of Jesus Christ to bring this good news and explain it to the Gentile world. Ambassador is not a short term function he is assigned to do. He is called as an ambassador, as an identification or designation. It is like the word forgiveness. It not something we get but something we already have. An ambassador for God is one who represents God in a foreign country, the place on earth, to proclaim truth.

Now truth to be truth, truth must be universal, for all people, for all times and for all places. The prosperity gospel … Listen to Broadcast & Read More