Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/27/2021

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/27/2021

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P665 (08-27-21)

Allow the Holy Spirit Living in You to Renew Your Mind With Truth

In order to grow in Christ, we need to replace error with truth. But do we recognize the error? How would we if we are not spending time in God’s word relying on the Spirit of God living in us to teach us. A common mistake that hinders growth is relying on denominational persuasions on what truth is.

A common hindrance to growth is all the denominations not teaching truth. Listen as a caller asks a question concerning a church practice of home churches for today, as if that is the only way church structure should be done according to some people, that led into a conversation about the church being a mess today. The church is not a mess because of its organizational structure even though that brought about some of the mess. What good does it do where the whole church is doing the same thing? There is one denomination where the pastor looks alike and everybody looks alike, and that is not even the problem with the church. The problem is they are teaching heretical … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/03/2021

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 08/03/2021

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P31 (08-03-21)

What Does it Mean to Enter God’s Rest?

All of us will face burdens or go weary in this fallen world we live in. Entering God’s rest does not mean we will not face hardships or difficulties in life. It does not mean we will live a completely sinless life, for we still have this struggle with our sin-indwelling flesh that is in conflict with the Spirit, who lives in us now. But it does mean that we have someone to go to, who loves and accepts us unconditionally and wants to give us abundant life. Jesus says He will never leave me nor forsake me and that He remembers my sins no more. That means, as a child of God, I am no longer under the law, under an Old Covenant, but under a New Covenant of grace, and I can boldly go to the throne of grace for help in time of need.

The curtain to the Holy of Holies, where, under an Old Covenant, only the high priest could enter, and that without the shedding of blood, has been torn in two, and that not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/14/2021

Jesus Makes us Ministers of the New

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P23 (07-14-21)


It is so important to understand what God Himself says is the gospel that saves. In 1 Corinthians 15, we read that it is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Nothing else. There is no baptism, church attendance, speaking in tongues, going to a confessional booth, seven sacraments, quoting 1 John 1:9 to keep yourself in fellowship, saved. Those latter things are things taught by the traditions of men. The word of God does not say such things. Your confidence in the gospel must be in what God Himself says it is, and that you have allowed the Holy spirit to reveal that truth to you. Your confidence must not be in the denominational persuasions of men, or what any pastor, priest or man says, for they could be teaching error.

So what did Jesus accomplish by his death on a cross? What did Jesus say after he gave up his spirit, after shedding his blood on a cross? It is finished. What is finished? Did not the author of Hebrews tell us that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin? Yes, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/07/2021

Faith That Pleases God - Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P20 (07-07-21)


Have you understood what faith is? Faith must have an object. It is more than an intellectual assent to facts or some sort of faith in some mystery, that nobody knows what that mystery is. I can know that Abraham Lincoln died in Ford’s theater and by believing that, that does not have any impact on my life. I can even go to church, thinking that if I go to church then somehow God will accept me, or my good deeds will outweigh my bad. I can think that I can get all my sins confessed that built up during the week off my chest. I could be doing that whether I was going to a Catholic mass or even sitting in my own bedroom quoting 1 John 1:9, but all the while wondering if I missed confessing some sin. I could even think that I came to Jesus to get all my sins forgiven, and then still doing those confessing of sins as well. So it could be I did not have a proper understanding of the complete gospel in Christ Jesus. All of that is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/02/2021

Jesus is God and Truth

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P648 (07-02-21)


Listen as people call to get answers to their questions. Every now and then, you have a caller who asks, “What must I do to be saved?” or says “I am having doubts about my salvation.” Many people have doubts about their salvation for any number of reasons. And wherever you are right now, we all start out the same way, without the Spirit of God living in you. That is, we are all born dead spiritually and are in need of new life.

When you are reading the gospels, you are reading a record of the life of Christ while he was here on earth. What was his destiny? He came to die on the cross and give you and me eternal life in Himself. In order to do that, He had to prepare us and show us what our condition was. He had to show us we are sinners. If we do not see ourselves as sinners, what would the cross mean to me? He had to show us we are dead. If I did not know I was dead, why would I need life? The teachings in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/28/2021

Jesus Completed The Work

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P15 (06-28-21)


Have you ever pondered the sacrifice Jesus made for you? He came to this earth, demonstrated He is God by the things He said and did, and eyewitnesses, the apostles, confirmed that by writing down what they saw and heard. But the ultimate demonstration of His love is He laid down His life for us, only to be raised up to new life again, for our sake. No greater love is there than that.

Unfortunately, many people today do not understand all that Jesus did. Even people who are members of mainline denominations have not understood. Why are people still sacrificing today so as to keep in fellowship with God, to ask God to forgive them when they sin? Or to go to a priest or a confessional booth to get their sins forgiven? When Jesus shed His blood on a cross, and Jesus being God in the flesh, did His one time sacrifice on a cross take away only some sins but not all sins? John the Baptist certainly did not think so. He identified Jesus as the promised Messiah to Israel, and testified that He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More