Radio Broadcast Friday 12/27/2019

Radio Broadcast Friday 12/27/2019

Classic Christianity – Christmas P5 (12-27-19)


What will get your attention as to what is really important in life? Is it the death of a mother or father, dashed hopes and dreams? You reach the point where nothing in life is important any more. What you thought was so important is really not that important. Your heart is crying out, “God save me. I am so empty inside. Lord, will you heal my mother or my father?”

There is good news for you? All those thing you heard, but you did not hear and you did not understand, that every time a Christmas carol was sung, that song “Immanuel, God is with us”. You either heard or sang such songs every year, but had no clue as to what those words really meant. Then, in the depth of your brokenness, the message of good news is explained to you, and you are ready now to hear.

This baby Jesus born in a stable, he is God’s gift to mankind. He came from heaven with a plan to restore all man’s brokenness. The real brokenness is the brokenness of an empty life, of a man who does not have the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/10/2019

Christ Died For Us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P20 (12-10-19)


Reading through Romans, we come to understand the purpose of the law. Recall the Jews were in slavery. When you are a slave, you are not free, but you are controlled by someone else. Now, when they are delivered out of slavery in Egypt, laws are needed to prevent anarchy and chaos. So God added laws for their benefit. But the Jews turned the law into a means for righteousness before God. The law was never meant for that.

As we discussed earlier, sin is the cause of man’s death, and the root of sin is the nature inherited from Adam, that says, “I will decide for myself what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil”. Now, if everyone does what is right in his own eyes, what happens? Lawlessness, disorder and chaos. So God initiated to man, wrote down what is right and wrong, and gave man the ten commandments. Now the law is not something to live by but something needed to restrain man from his own self destruction. Man was created to live in a dependent, loving relationship with the living God. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More