Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/26/2021

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/26/2021

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P620 (03-26-21)


As a child of God, we are all learning how to deal with various problems, whether habits like smoking, struggling with controlling in-laws in your marriage, or just those natural annoyances with rude people, or even unbearable suffering for the cause of Christ, or the natural suffering as we live in a fallen world, with an aging body or failing health. Listen as Bob George provides practical application to the common problems of life, applying wisdom with truth from the scriptures.

There are things that we can stop doing, and we do not even need the Holy Spirit to stop. You can be a non-believer to stop smoking, for example, with enough will power and desire to do so. But nevertheless, each person struggles in different ways, and with the Holy Spirit living in you, how much more can you set aside the deeds of the flesh, and renew your mind with truth, and participate in the divine nature God has given you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, where God dwells, so honor God with your body.

At times, we can be harder on ourselves more … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/03/2019

Saved by Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P17 (12-03-19)


God has always wanted man to live by faith, to trust Him. The root of all sin is that man chose not to trust God, to believe what God has said. Man has chosen for himself what is right and wrong, independent of God. That is how sin entered the world. Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that affected the entire human race. Now every person is born in the likeness of Adam in his sinful, broken state. All have sinned and all have died.

That is why Jesus came to this world, to save us from the condition of death, death to God, a separation from God in what was once a trusting and loving relationship between God and man. So God came to first take away the cause of death, which is sin, in order to offer new life to man. Salvation is new life in Christ, the Spirit of God to be placed back into man, to restore what was lost in the garden of Eden. This new life is received by faith, trust in God’s provision of his … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/11/2018

Call In Bob George p383 (10-11-18)

Bob George RadioBob George, on People to People radio for over 30 years, answers questions by several callers. The first caller, Sam, asks about a Muslim and what happens when he dies and then about those who have never heard, even those in a remote place. Larry, the second caller, asks about what it means to take up your cross and follow Christ. The final caller for today, John, asks a specific question about Romans 8:17 in regards to what it means to suffer with Christ?

Sam, the first caller asks about a Muslim, born in a Muslim nation, where would he go when he dies, heaven or hell? Bob explains that all countries were Christian nations at one time, and how Muhammad converted people to Muslim religion. But the real point he made was that it is not
about converting someone to a religion but converting someone to Christ. He then explains more thoroughly what Jesus Christ did, that is so unique and special that no religion really addresses, the condition of man in sin and the need to come to Christ for life. Truth revealed in scripture is what all men need to hear … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message