Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/19/2022

End of the Law

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P23 (01-19-22)

The Holy Spirit Gives Us Eternal Life

Today we are going to review a number of things that Bob has been teaching. Listen in as he reviews key points. It is good to go over these things and cement them in our memory banks. Listen as Bob teaches through A Closer Look at The Reality of the Resurrection. Pick up all our Closer Look Bible studies from our online store at

Righteousness is a gift from God. Jesus gives us His life and His righteousness when we place faith in Him. Jesus says we must be perfect. And the religious people are out there trying to make themselves perfect which is an impossibility. On the other hand, the person that comes to the end of themselves, and realizes they can not be perfect in the sight of God based on what they do or don’t do, then God says, “you’re right.”  The person thinking they can keep the law is filled with pride of self while the other one is humbled by realizing they could not do it. So Jesus has done it … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/07/2022

Understanding the New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P698 (01-07-22)

Understanding the New Covenant vs the Old Covenant

Marriage and divorce are topics of conversation that come up for Christians many times as being held as a hammer over someone’s head, especially if they are or have been divorced. Yet it’s so vitally important to put things in the proper perspective. Divorce, marriage and remarriage in the New Covenant vs divorce, marriage and remarriage under the Old Covenant are items that need to be addressed and placed in the proper context. First off, we need to understand which side of the cross we live under right now, and also to understand that Jesus taught under the Old Covenant of the law. He taught that because He needed to bury us under it completely. Only Jesus could and did obey the law. We can not obey it.

The first caller, Michael called from Atlanta Georgia. He called about marriage and divorce.

Bob explains the New Covenant and points out that we live on the New Testament side of the cross. We live in the New Covenant. We live under a new will of God. The old Covenant was the law, and no … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/12/2021

Jesus Wants us to Walk in Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P42 (05-12-21)


The renewing of our mind is what will be going on in us until the day we meet the Lord. He reminds us to keep our mind on whatever is good, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. As we tend to drift toward anxiety, getting our minds flooded with all kinds of thoughts on a daily basis, it is easy to get our emotions focused on all the bad things that might happen tomorrow or to drift into depressing thoughts of the mistakes we made yesterday. That is what emotions do. They predictably respond to whatever you are thinking, and emotions do not know whether those thoughts are real or not, are happening now, tomorrow or yesterday. They just respond to whatever you are thinking. So let us get our mind back on what is true, and casts all our cares on Christ Jesus, for He cares for you.

Remember Christ Jesus is God. He is the creator of the whole world and of your complex being, the human body, and knows all there is, and He lives in you. He no longer calls you a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 7/27/2020

Jesus is Our Wisdom

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P43 (07-27-20)


There are so many times that we hear, or have said things ourselves, that are just not true. Whether we are a new believer, not having spent enough time in the word, or are not getting in the word, to get to know the Agape love of God, we have not fully grasped what we already have in Him. We do not know He is there. We might know in our head, can quote scriptures from memory, but we do not know what that means, for what is in our head has not gone down into our heart. So there is a maturing process that God works out in us to know that which He has freely given us. But we have this promise, that God will complete that which He began in us.

First there is natural birth, and we are born in Adam, dead spiritually. Even Adam was created out of the dust, created dead, until God breathed in him the breath of life. That same breath, the Holy Spirit of God, must be put back into man, everyone born in Adam, in order … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/24/2019

The Will of God is Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 36 (06-24-19)

Bob George shares from the book of John. Jesus identifies himself as the bread of life when the Jews were all focused on physical food for daily living. Jesus was sharing spiritual truth with them, that he is the life they need to live forever. We came into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing. We came into this world born spiritually dead and if we die in that state, we certainly have nothing but weeping and gnashing of teeth, where the worm never dies and the fire never goes out. The Spirit gives life and the flesh counts for nothing. So why spend all your energy focused on physically things that are here today and gone tomorrow. Listen to the very words of God, and Jesus is the exact representation of God on earth. He came from heaven to speak words from heaven and he is going back there, and in our day, he has already gone back there, so he can bring us to be with Him forever. The gospel is simple. You are dead and in need of life. We do not speak … Listen to Broadcast & Read More