Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/12/2021

Jesus Wants us to Walk in Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P42 (05-12-21)


The renewing of our mind is what will be going on in us until the day we meet the Lord. He reminds us to keep our mind on whatever is good, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. As we tend to drift toward anxiety, getting our minds flooded with all kinds of thoughts on a daily basis, it is easy to get our emotions focused on all the bad things that might happen tomorrow or to drift into depressing thoughts of the mistakes we made yesterday. That is what emotions do. They predictably respond to whatever you are thinking, and emotions do not know whether those thoughts are real or not, are happening now, tomorrow or yesterday. They just respond to whatever you are thinking. So let us get our mind back on what is true, and casts all our cares on Christ Jesus, for He cares for you.

Remember Christ Jesus is God. He is the creator of the whole world and of your complex being, the human body, and knows all there is, and He lives in you. He no longer calls you a … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/10/2021

The Law of Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P40 (05-10-21)


The one thing people are looking for is unconditional love and acceptance. We cannot give that to someone else, not in the energy of our flesh. So much marital strife is because one spouse has unrealistic expectations on another, expecting their partner to provide what he or she is unable to provide. Yet, the Lord Jesus Christ commands us to love one another just as He loved us. So what is Jesus saying to us? Is He telling us to do something that is impossible for us to do? Yes and no, because it is not us doing it.

The key to the Christian life is a life of dependency, of trust in the one who loves you perfectly, and only God can do that, for God is love. Jesus, as the second Adam, modeled perfectly for us how we are to live. He limited Himself in the use of His divine attributes in a manner that we would have to relate to God, after having the Spirit placed in us at a new spiritual birth. Was it not from His complete dependency upon His Father? … Listen to Broadcast & Read More