Classic Christianity – The Book of John P28 (04-10-23)
What Must we do to do the Works God Requires?
~ Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” John 6:29
“Well, did they get it? No, still didn’t get it. So they’re asking questions to kind of get back to where do you gotta give me some more food? But they say, Well, then, if this is the case, that you’re the one who gives us this eternal life that you’re talking about? What must we do? To do the work that God requires? What must we do? In order to please God? How many of you have ever asked that question? How many of you ever sat around saying what do I have to do to please God? I was in a meeting Friday with a group of men, they were saying the same thing, guys sitting around saying, what what do I have to do? It seems like I’m doing this, I’m doing this, but I still don’t know about pleasing God. What did Jesus say to that, folks? The work of God is this if you want to know … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message