Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P708 (02-11-22)
Be above reproach so the gospel can go out. Guard the truth and protect those entrusted to your care. Grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So many callers call in because they want to grow and have a desire for others to come to know the Lord and to grow. They want to encourage those whom the Lord has used, such as Bob George, for they themselves were richly blessed by what he shared from the scriptures. It is not by what man has said, but for pointing them to the word of God, so they can test and see what is said is true. They find out what is shared, checking it out from the word of God for themselves, and the Spirit of God within them makes the truth known to them, solidifying that truth in their heart. This is evidenced by the love toward one another, with true freedom in Christ. They are no longer bound up by the law but experience true freedom with a single-minded focus on Christ, who is your life, at work within you. The book of Colossians is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More