Radio Broadcast Monday 08/09/2021

The Finality of the Cross

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P1 (08-09-21)

Understanding The Framework for Knowing God through Jesus Christ

What does it take to understand God or the meaning of His word? Do you have to know Greek or Hebrew? Do you have to be educated? No, none of that is necessary. Do you have to have a pastor or gifted teacher to explain things to you? No, that is not needed either. That can be helpful if the pastor or teacher rightly divides the word of God and explains things from the word of God. But how would you know if he is telling the truth? One person can persuade you to believe something, and then someone else can then try to persuade you something different. And both could be wrong. How would you know? Turn to 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 and what do we read there that is needed to discern the meaning of the word of God?

To know God requires that you are a child of God, born again from above, having the Holy Spirit, the Spirit full of grace and truth, living in you guiding you into all truth, while you have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/28/2021

Jesus Completed The Work

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P15 (06-28-21)


Have you ever pondered the sacrifice Jesus made for you? He came to this earth, demonstrated He is God by the things He said and did, and eyewitnesses, the apostles, confirmed that by writing down what they saw and heard. But the ultimate demonstration of His love is He laid down His life for us, only to be raised up to new life again, for our sake. No greater love is there than that.

Unfortunately, many people today do not understand all that Jesus did. Even people who are members of mainline denominations have not understood. Why are people still sacrificing today so as to keep in fellowship with God, to ask God to forgive them when they sin? Or to go to a priest or a confessional booth to get their sins forgiven? When Jesus shed His blood on a cross, and Jesus being God in the flesh, did His one time sacrifice on a cross take away only some sins but not all sins? John the Baptist certainly did not think so. He identified Jesus as the promised Messiah to Israel, and testified that He … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/16/2021

Jesus is The Mediator of the New Covenant

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P11 (06-16-21)


Faith is Understanding Jesus Forgave You Completely!

This New Covenant we are under today is a covenant of grace. When you think about what is the eternal inheritance that Jesus bought and secured for us, we cannot help but say, “Thank you, Jesus” and “Praise be to God for His marvelous grace.” This grace provided for us a new heart, the heart of God that is full of His love and compassion that we can access and allow to flow out of us. We have this unconditional acceptance, where we are free to fail without any condemnation, and can then boldly go to the throne of grace to instruct us, guide us into truth to correct our harmful behavior, with such tender-loving care. This is all part of this wonderful personal relationship with the living God, who rejoices over us, rejoices when we rejoice, and who delights in us. And to think that God, who created the entire vast universe with His spoken word, has such wonderful thoughts concerning me! He even knows every hair on my head.

Last, we have this wonderful promise of being eternally … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/20/2021

Unbelief is the Worlds Sin

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P635 (05-20-21)


There are many common questions relative new believers ask concerning the scripture. They are basic questions that can easily be answered from the scriptures but they are also questions they have in light of the teaching they have been so accustomed to hear on radio, television or from a denomination they grew up under or have been visiting or attending. As they read the scriptures for themselves, they are beginning to recognize that something is just not right, for what they had been taught all their lives just does not agree with what is revealed in scripture. So in either case, they call for clarification of what they have heard, and want Bob George’s thoughts on the subject.

So listen as Bob George answers various questions by callers on topics such as what did Jesus mean when he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and what does it mean to be unequally yoked with unbelievers or have I committed the unpardonable sin, does the Lord’s prayer apply today and what is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, and what is this I … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/10/2021

The Law of Love

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P40 (05-10-21)


The one thing people are looking for is unconditional love and acceptance. We cannot give that to someone else, not in the energy of our flesh. So much marital strife is because one spouse has unrealistic expectations on another, expecting their partner to provide what he or she is unable to provide. Yet, the Lord Jesus Christ commands us to love one another just as He loved us. So what is Jesus saying to us? Is He telling us to do something that is impossible for us to do? Yes and no, because it is not us doing it.

The key to the Christian life is a life of dependency, of trust in the one who loves you perfectly, and only God can do that, for God is love. Jesus, as the second Adam, modeled perfectly for us how we are to live. He limited Himself in the use of His divine attributes in a manner that we would have to relate to God, after having the Spirit placed in us at a new spiritual birth. Was it not from His complete dependency upon His Father? … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/05/2021

Truth Brings Division

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P39 (05-05-21)


In this world it seems things are constantly changing, and almost instantaneously. We have election fraud, a so-called C pandemic, an earthquake here and there, a tornado, or some other disaster, and a war about to break out in a moment’s notice. And we have a push for all people to just get along, regardless of whatever you believe, for that is just your opinion, as people would say. It is also so easy to get your mind, as an American, to spend all your energy and time to restore America. And to do that, people can forget their purpose as an ambassador for Christ, to represent God in a foreign land, to proclaim the gospel without compromise.

Now, if we study our bible, Jesus tells us ahead of time what we can expect, and to not be alarmed, or afraid, when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, for the end is not right away. So, it is so easy for us to lose sight of what God has commanded us to do, to love one another even as He loved us. That is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More