Classic Christianity – The Book of John P32 (04-18-23)
Follow Jesus to the Cross and Then The Resurrection
~ “And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:8
~ Have you followed Jesus to the cross and then to the empty tomb? Are you going to Jesus to receive His eternal life, or are you going to God as a vending machine for things in your life? Which is more important to you, physical temporary life and things in this life, or eternal Life in Him?
“And so whether it be to a lost doctor or a lost person living under the bridge, they’re lost. And they’re dead. I asked the group the other day, which body stinkith the most, a dead doctor, or a dead person living under a bridge? The stench is the same, they’re dead, and the need of life. And until you give people the gospel of Christ Jesus, the truth of Christ Jesus, all you’ve done is to satisfy a physical hunger, that’s going to come right back again. And you’re going to find people following you for no other reason … Listen to Broadcast & Read More