Radio Broadcast Monday 10/19/2020

Jesus - Who Do You Say I AM

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P7 (10-19-20)


So the question that needs to be answered is this. Who do you say that I am, the Jesus we have been studying about this past week? We have been reading from the scriptures the claims Jesus Christ has said concerning Himself. These things were written down so that you might believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. This statement is a record of what Jesus said, and is His bold explanation of the gospel, a message of good news of new life, that He came in order to offer us. The gospel, the message of salvation, is about life, new spiritual life, eternal life, God’s life, to be made available to all mankind.

Let us not stop at the cross, where he shed his blood and died, but let us move on to the resurrection. He came not only to take away our sins, when he shed his blood on a cross, without which there is no forgiveness of sins. But He also came to rise again, in order for life to be given … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/14/2020

Jesus is The Bread of Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P6 (10-14-20)


God has made Himself known to all men through His Son, in how He lived and in what He has done. The Spirit has gone into all the world. There is nowhere His voice has not been heard. God the Father sent His only Son into this world and the Holy Spirit revealed the Son to men, as the one whom He claimed to be, God, and God is Spirit. Those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

Jesus came to proclaim truth into the hearts of men, truth about themselves, their sinful condition, their condition of spiritual death, and about their need of life and that life is the life that is in Christ, who is eternal life. If you have the Son, you have that life. So He is not far from any one of you. His Spirit is drawing all men unto Himself. Will you believe the message and receive new life in Christ Jesus?

Wise men will seek to know God. They will look intently into the words of Christ, and have a heart open to hear and receive truth. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/12/2019

Holy Spirit Life

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 33 (06-12-19)

Bob George explains from John 6 what Jesus meant when he said to eat his flesh and drink his blood (John 6:53-59). In the natural mind, it sounds like he is teaching cannibalism. The natural man understands nothing but the spiritual man understands everything. Jesus is not teaching cannibalism at all nor is he saying that we are to ingest a wafer offered by a priest in order to have the life of Christ. You do not mix the natural with the spiritual. Flesh and blood do not inherit the kingdom of God. The Spirit gives life and the flesh counts for nothing. Jesus is speaking about spiritual food. He is explaining that he is the bread of life, not a physical piece of bread, but that he is the Holy one of God who has the words of eternal life, spiritual food man desperately needs to live forever. Whoever believes that he came from heaven and has a message from heaven will follow him to the cross and to the empty tomb. The lost man comes to understand he is spiritually dead and in need of life, and the only … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/11/2019

Belief in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 32 (06-11-19)

The disciples, whom Jesus spent 3 years with, came to accept the truth Jesus was sharing concerning eternal life, except Judas Iscariot who later betrayed him. These disciples had an encounter with the living God. It was a hard teaching because it was so contrary to what they are so accustomed to hearing, since, like all of us, live in the natural realm and are born spiritually dead. But Peter, a disciple of Jesus, caught the message. Bob George also had an encounter with God and was born again in 1969. This is not an encounter where you physically see Jesus but where you hear spiritual truth. Truth is revealed to you by the Spirit of God. The Spirit has spoken deep into your heart that you are spiritually dead and in need of life and you accepted the only available life, the resurrected life of Christ.

Jesus is speaking on earth to these men concerning what he is going to do in the near future, to die, be buried and then to rise again. That has already happened in our generation over 2000 years ago. But not all men accept … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/10/2019

Living Bread

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 31 (06-10-19)

Bob George shares from John 6, where Jesus is explaining spiritual truth to the Jews who came to him to get food. It is a hard teaching to us because Jesus used illustrations in the physical realm to explain truth in the spiritual realm. He spoke about real food and real drink, in referring to spiritual food that can only be received by faith. You do not receive eternal life by receiving a wafer into your body as offered by a priest but by believing what Jesus did for you, that he died, was buried and that he rose again. Unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, not born of mom and dad, but born again from above, by God, as Jesus explained to Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus is appealing to men to come to him for life.

This is not even religion but an extremely practical thing God did for us. If you need life then you are dead. Until we see our spiritual death then why would we ever come to him for spiritual life? If you are not hungry, why would … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/03/2019

Jesus Looks at Your Heart

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 28 (06-03-19)

Bob George continues teaching from the gospel of John. Currently, he is reading from John 6, picking up after where Jesus just fed five thousand men, not including women and children, on a few loaves of bread and two fish. This whole section here is the key to understanding who you are in Christ Jesus. As you read John 6, notice the response of the Jews. They did not seek to know God but only sought Jesus to have their bellies filled. Seek spiritual food that endures unto eternal life. Let us not seek the Holy Spirit, the Father or an experience but get to know Jesus, that He is God. Do not be proud of heart, but ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you. God look at the attitudes of your heart and not as man sees. He wants to give new life to you. Consider what Jesus is trying to reveal to man about himself, that he is dead and in need of life. That is why he came from heaven, for man to recognize his state of spiritual death and come to Christ for new spiritual food … Listen to Broadcast & Read More