Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P828 (04-21-23)
Some Went Out From Us Because They Did Not Belong to Us
~ It’s important to understand today, that most church pastors and teachers are NOT teaching the true gospel message. There are some (born again believers) that are rebelling against religion, and that is actually a good thing. Yet there are many many others that are NOT abiding in the Truth and have never been saved to begin with. They never repented of their unbelief and placed faith in Jesus. Things have flipped and are upside down since the early church began, and most pastors and teachers in the “Christian religion” are teaching lies and are teaching what itching ears want to hear. Scripture even warns us of these days that are upon us with a GREAT NUMBER OF TEACHERS that are preaching lies. Holy Spirit discernment is required in ALL things. That is why we must be taught by the Holy Spirit and not by man.
~ “They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More