Call-ins Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/03/2021

Victory Over Depression - Book

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P604 (02-03-21)


Oftentimes people grow up with religion and reject the reality of Christ Jesus. They associate Christ with things spoken in context of preachers speaking things that are simply not true. Instead of checking out what is being said as being true or not, we see no reality in it, so we reject the religion, but sadly we also reject Christ, whom we associate with in our minds. But one day, we see the reality of a changed life in someone else, who has the Spirit of God living in him. So we ask, what is it in him that is different? What kind of life does he have that I do not? Then you hear the practical wisdom he shares from God’s word. Your heart is moved. You see the practical wisdom and how people are able to walk in joy and peace. People have come to Christ that way. Christ in you was a light that shined in a dark world, but truth was made known concerning Christ, of the gospel that saves, and he believed and put His faith in Christ.

But as believers, as a child of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/21/2021

The Truth of 1 John 1:9

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P600 (01-21-21)


It is so important to speak truth in love, for that is how people are set free, with truth. So what hinders us from speaking truth? Is it not fear? And if we fear, where is our attention mostly on? Is it not on ourselves, in what we perceive we might lose or be hurt by others who may not think the same way we do, of the persecution we might receive by not telling the truth? What do you think happened in Nazi Germany, when people were afraid to speak out in truth? There is a time in which when people fail to live in accordance with what is true that freedom is taken away more and more, until before long the consequences are so severe, it is nearly impossible to ever gain your freedom back. What would happen to the black man in the days of slavery if courageous men did not speak the truth and had what were truly peaceful protests back then, unlike what people falsely claim as peaceful protests today, with buildings on fire in the background, yet calling it peaceful. Such men of hypocrisy, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

New Years P5 Radio Broadcast Friday 01/01/2021

The Star Shines on The King

Classic Christianity – New Years P5 (01-01-21)


When you think of all the things spoken by the prophets, that were fulfilled in Christ, and how sovereign God is, that everything He has said has come to pass, who, in their right mind, would not come to come and choose life? The star stooped over the place where Jesus lay, just as it was spoken through the prophet. Jesus shall be called Emmanuel, and we see the transfiguration, where a voice from heaven says, “Listen to him. This is My Beloved Son”. God spoke to Joseph and Mary through dreams, and what was spoken through the prophets was fulfilled, such as Jesus would be called a Nazarene. Numerous miracles were performed through Jesus, as the prophets of old said he would do when he came. John the Baptist was visited in prison, and Jesus told his disciples to report these things to him while he was in prison. Jesus himself, at various times said that he would die, but on the third day, be raised again. Then, after Jesus’ resurrection, he appeared to over 500 people, many at that time who were still alive. And during that time, Jesus spoke … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Thanksgiving P1 Radio Broadcast Friday 11/20/2020

Jesus is Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving P1 – Bob George (11-20-20)


A very special Thanksgiving message for today of Putting Jesus First in Your Life.
Bob George tells the story of Dave Boyer, the singer that sings our Classic Christianity opening theme song, “Put Jesus First in Your Life.”

Welcome to Bob George Classic Christianity radio with Bob George, the clear and timeless teaching on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ as you learn about God’s amazing love. Bob shares from God’s word reminding us of the attitudes of love and thankfulness. He contrasts the world’ peace with God’s peace, lust or attraction with agape love, anxiety with faith, fear with love, self-centered thinking with God-centered thinking, worry with thankfulness, man’s will versus God’s will, weakness with God’s strength, negative thinking with thinking with a proper self image, a dead life replaced with a new life, following Jesus with being led of the indwelling Holy Spirit, fear with love, evil versus good, and worldly thinking with scriptural thinking based on truth. With such teaching, one has a solid foundation on which to be truly thankful. With the Holy Spirit in you, the love of God is shown through you; a sincere … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 8/24/2020

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P55 (08-24-20)


If we are honest with ourselves, when we try to love God, we know that it falls short. In reality, we do not have the ability on our own to love God. Our love for God can only be in response to how we perceive God. If we do not know Him, how can we love Him? Do we have the nature of God in us? Do you know His nature? Are you like God or different?

If you think God is mean, vindictive, uninvolved, hard-hearted, and uncaring, then how would you act toward God? If I thought God was mad at me when I sinned, ready to punish me, then would I be inclined to want to go to Him, or would I respond in fear of Him? If we know He is the powerful, creator of everything there is, yet see Him as so holy and we are not, and that we justly deserve to die for our sins, but do not know God, nothing of His nature and love, how do you think we would respond to God? Would we not cower in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/17/2020

Jesus Gives People New Hearts

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P554 (07-17-20)


Many people experience depression. It seems it comes upon people because of injury, insult or rejection. There is often fear and anger associated with that. You do not want to experience that again. There is fear that you will. You have experienced those same patterns again and again. The truth to that matter, that is part of what Jesus said, that in this world you shall have tribulation. The key to overcoming depression is not by trying to alleviate the problem but by getting to know the perfect, unconditional love of God. For God Himself said that since He has overcome the world, and He lives in you and will never leave you or forsake you, that in Him, you too can overcome the world. He said that perfect love casts out fear.

This renewing of your mind will not happen overnight, but as you listen to the Lord and let Him speak to you through His word, you will begin to see your life transformed in your thinking. Your circumstances may not change, but inner attitudes in your heart will change. You will find that in the midst of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More