Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/19/2021

God Works Everything Out For Our Good

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P45 (05-19-21)


As we are looking at the application of the word of God in our lives, we ask ourselves, “How do we do this?” Do we obey because it is a command of God, and therefore, we must do it? If the law says, do not steal, then should I not steal? The law is holy, righteous and good, but there is a deeper problem in the heart of man. If we try to live the Christian life that way, that would be putting ourselves back under a law that the Jews lived under in an Old Covenant system, and the entire Old Testament is a history of their failure, yet also of God’s faithfulness. Such a system says that you are cursed if you do not continue to do everything written in the law. The law, and what Jesus explains concerning the law, buries us, showing us our unrighteousness that we might see our need of a Saviour and look for Him to save us from ourselves, our condition of death.

So then how can we live the Christian life? The quick and direct answer is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/14/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P634 (05-14-21)


To grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is important that we do not rely on what a denominational persuasion says, whether Baptist, Catholic, or Presbyterian, or whatever else it might be. Nor should we rely on what the early church fathers said, what Polycarp, John Wesley or Martin Luther said. Nor do we blindly rely on People to People or whatever common ministry is out there today. If what someone says is in agreement with truth as revealed by the Spirit of God through the word of God, then certainly hold onto such truth, for that is revealed by the Spirit of God, who does not lie.

Ultimately, we need to study the word of God for ourselves, as Paul commended the people of Berea for doing, for they diligently studied the scriptures to see if what he said was so, and they only had the Old Testament scriptures available to them in their day. Now that the gift of prophecy has been given to the prophets as well as the apostles, and the divine revelation from God to men has been written down, by … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/06/2021

Jesus Brought in The New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P631 (05-06-21)


People can grow up in any number of evangelical denominations and not really understand what salvation is, the meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, what that really accomplished for mankind and for you personally. If you were to ask a person what salvation is, some will say it is a process you have to go through while others will say it is that Jesus died for my sins, and that is it. Others will even say you can lose your salvation. People who say such things do not know what salvation is. So to help a person, first you have to know what salvation is, what truth is as revealed by the Spirit of God from the scriptures. Then to engage the person in conversation, you might ask him, “What is your understanding of salvation?”

To a person who says salvation is “Jesus died for my sins”, and that is it, Bob often responds by saying, “That is your problem. You have got half a gospel. Let me explain to you. Do you want me to explain to you the fullness of the gospel?” The gospel … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/30/2021

The New Covenant of Jesus Christ

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P630 (04-30-21)


Have you allowed the truth God’s word to change your thinking, or are you relying on your feelings? Do you feel that while you are in church, or active in serving others in some capacity, you are full of the Holy Spirit, but when you leave that feeling leaves? Did the Spirit of God ever leave you? No. The Spirit of God is always at work within you, and will never leave you or forsake you. He lives in you, if you are born again, to will and to act according to His good purpose. How well do you know all that God has given you in Christ Jesus? So grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ by reading His word, allowing the Spirit, who is alive living in you, to renew your mind with truth.

Have you been sitting under a pastor who is mixing law and grace? Has your pastor taught you that you have to take the Lord’s Supper in a worthy manner, and be sure to have no unconfessed sins when you eat at the Lord’s table. Is that true? No! Have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/26/2021

Jesus Has Set You Free for Freedom

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P34 (04-26-21)


So what does the word of God do for us? It teaches us, corrects us, reproves us, trains us. It can be likened to a yg teenager learning to drive a car. You get back on the road when you are corrected. The word is like that in correcting our way of thinking, by renewing our mind on what truth is. It helps form policies in our minds in regard to the truth that the Spirit of God living in us has made known to us through His word. It changes our attitudes and forms our character to be like Christ’s in our relationships with people, as we depend on Him. The word of God is like food to our spirit as food is to our physical bodies. That is how we live, by hanging onto every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Some people think we need to learn to think positively, especially as we live in such a world full of negative things we hear about every day, especially whenever we turn on the television or read news headlines. But it is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/20/2021

Jesus Sets us Apart

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P32 (04-20-21)


With the word of God, and the Spirit of God living in us, knowing the totality of the cross, the reality of the resurrection, and the fullness of what Christ did for us in all of that, regardless of whatever shortcomings there are in translations, you can know the meaning of the scriptures, and so much difficulty in understanding soon disappears. You come to realize that the word of God is divinely inspired, written down through the personalities of men, through the prophets and apostles, but with the full meaning of what God wanted to express to us, that we may put our faith in Him and have eternal life, the abundant life He promised us.

These men, whom God appointed and raised up for that purpose, prior to the foundation of the world, wrote down what God said to them. When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, to indwell the apostles forever, the Holy Spirit brought back to their remembrance, to the apostles, who were eyewitnesses of His death, burial and resurrection, of all that they had seen and heard, that God wanted them to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More