Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P45 (05-19-21)
As we are looking at the application of the word of God in our lives, we ask ourselves, “How do we do this?” Do we obey because it is a command of God, and therefore, we must do it? If the law says, do not steal, then should I not steal? The law is holy, righteous and good, but there is a deeper problem in the heart of man. If we try to live the Christian life that way, that would be putting ourselves back under a law that the Jews lived under in an Old Covenant system, and the entire Old Testament is a history of their failure, yet also of God’s faithfulness. Such a system says that you are cursed if you do not continue to do everything written in the law. The law, and what Jesus explains concerning the law, buries us, showing us our unrighteousness that we might see our need of a Saviour and look for Him to save us from ourselves, our condition of death.
So then how can we live the Christian life? The quick and direct answer is … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/19/2021”