Radio Broadcast Monday 05/31/2021

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P3 (05-31-21)


The book of Hebrews, particularly chapters 7-10, explains this New Covenant, as the scriptures testify in 2 Corinthians 3:6, that we are made ministers of. The New Testament is the testament, covenant, or will that God replaced the Old Covenant with because the old one could make no one perfect, because it was weak and useless. The problem was not with the law, being holy, right and good, but with us, because we could not keep it. Under an Old Covenant, the man who sins shall surely die. Under the New Covenant, the man who believes shall surely live. The belief is in a person who can fulfill the law for us and did, and that person is Jesus Christ.

Jesus did something for us we could never do. He fulfilled the just requirements of the law for us, paid the punishment of death for sin for us in full, and then was raised to new life, to give us His resurrected life to be received as a gift. So then He was able to set aside the Old Covenant of the law of sin and death … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/24/2021

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/24/2021

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P46 (05-24-21)


We are children of God, but children have to grow. And as long as we are on this earth, we continually have a need for our mind to be renewed, because we have sin-indwelling flesh. That is what keeps us dependent on God, and Jesus said He has overcome the world, and that same Spirit that overcame the world is now living in you, for that reason. So God tells us to not be afraid, and to be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world.

So how do children grow. That is the importance of the word of God in our lives, relying on the Spirit to teach you truth to change you. His word is living and active, changing the attitudes of our heart. It takes time for our hearts to change sometimes. Have you ever been angry at someone, or a spouse did something that caused a rift in your marriage, or you yourself are holding onto bitterness? We have all experienced various things like that. What is the instruction from God to us? Yes, we are to go to our brother, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/20/2021

Unbelief is the Worlds Sin

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P635 (05-20-21)


There are many common questions relative new believers ask concerning the scripture. They are basic questions that can easily be answered from the scriptures but they are also questions they have in light of the teaching they have been so accustomed to hear on radio, television or from a denomination they grew up under or have been visiting or attending. As they read the scriptures for themselves, they are beginning to recognize that something is just not right, for what they had been taught all their lives just does not agree with what is revealed in scripture. So in either case, they call for clarification of what they have heard, and want Bob George’s thoughts on the subject.

So listen as Bob George answers various questions by callers on topics such as what did Jesus mean when he said my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and what does it mean to be unequally yoked with unbelievers or have I committed the unpardonable sin, does the Lord’s prayer apply today and what is the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, and what is this I … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/14/2021

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P634 (05-14-21)


To grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is important that we do not rely on what a denominational persuasion says, whether Baptist, Catholic, or Presbyterian, or whatever else it might be. Nor should we rely on what the early church fathers said, what Polycarp, John Wesley or Martin Luther said. Nor do we blindly rely on People to People or whatever common ministry is out there today. If what someone says is in agreement with truth as revealed by the Spirit of God through the word of God, then certainly hold onto such truth, for that is revealed by the Spirit of God, who does not lie.

Ultimately, we need to study the word of God for ourselves, as Paul commended the people of Berea for doing, for they diligently studied the scriptures to see if what he said was so, and they only had the Old Testament scriptures available to them in their day. Now that the gift of prophecy has been given to the prophets as well as the apostles, and the divine revelation from God to men has been written down, by … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/12/2021

Jesus Wants us to Walk in Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Word of God P42 (05-12-21)


The renewing of our mind is what will be going on in us until the day we meet the Lord. He reminds us to keep our mind on whatever is good, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. As we tend to drift toward anxiety, getting our minds flooded with all kinds of thoughts on a daily basis, it is easy to get our emotions focused on all the bad things that might happen tomorrow or to drift into depressing thoughts of the mistakes we made yesterday. That is what emotions do. They predictably respond to whatever you are thinking, and emotions do not know whether those thoughts are real or not, are happening now, tomorrow or yesterday. They just respond to whatever you are thinking. So let us get our mind back on what is true, and casts all our cares on Christ Jesus, for He cares for you.

Remember Christ Jesus is God. He is the creator of the whole world and of your complex being, the human body, and knows all there is, and He lives in you. He no longer calls you a … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/06/2021

Jesus Brought in The New Covenant

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P631 (05-06-21)


People can grow up in any number of evangelical denominations and not really understand what salvation is, the meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, what that really accomplished for mankind and for you personally. If you were to ask a person what salvation is, some will say it is a process you have to go through while others will say it is that Jesus died for my sins, and that is it. Others will even say you can lose your salvation. People who say such things do not know what salvation is. So to help a person, first you have to know what salvation is, what truth is as revealed by the Spirit of God from the scriptures. Then to engage the person in conversation, you might ask him, “What is your understanding of salvation?”

To a person who says salvation is “Jesus died for my sins”, and that is it, Bob often responds by saying, “That is your problem. You have got half a gospel. Let me explain to you. Do you want me to explain to you the fullness of the gospel?” The gospel … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message