Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P15 (11-04-20)
So concerning this person called Jesus of Nazareth, what have you concluded him to be? Do you think he is a madman, a lunatic, a liar or that he really is who he claimed to be, God in the flesh? What have those who walked on the earth with him, who saw him, touched him and ate with him, have to say? What did they have to say about him? Were they lunatics, liars or impostors too? Or did they believe him to be who he claimed to be, God in the flesh?
And if Jesus really is God in the flesh, then why would he want to come down and live on this rotten earth, with so much sorrow, sickness, pain and death? Why would he subject himself to such things? And why would he put on human flesh? And if He came from heaven, and he said he only says what His Father told him to say and what to say, then what words of God did he say that he wanted us to know? This must be a very important person to come from heaven … Listen to Broadcast & Read More