Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P680 (10-15-21)
The Word of God Is Reliable and Trustworthy to Change Attitudes of Heart; Knowing Your Identity in Christ Shapes Your Behavior
Many times people have questions that they want answers to but do not know who to call or talk to. So it is wonderful to have had a program like this where a person can call and get answers to their questions. The bible is true and is reliable for truth. At times a person will call in because they are in a conversation with a person who has a different bible than ours, such as Catholics which also have the Apocrypha included in it. Other times a person calls in to ask about what this judging another person is about. Another person calls in because he is troubled by what he sees as the trends in society, such as the acceptance of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle or people saying they are born that way. Then there are those questions about whether a person dies before his time. Listen as Bob George answers these questions from what the bible has to say about these things and see if that … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message