Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/20/2020

Jesus is the Way to God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P522 (03-20-20)


Several callers called to get advice. These questions vary from practical advice on sharing truth with people, to questions on clarification of what a passage in scripture means, and even about why you are facing depression when trying to fulfill a life-long dream you have in making a living in what you really enjoy doing.

How do you share truth with someone who just always wants to find reasons to find things to debate you on? How do you talk to people who have knowledge on various books that conflicts with what is written in the scriptures, or about information missing during the early years of Christ, or about all religions being equally valid?

What does it mean in 2 Peter 2 or in Hebrews 6 about a dog returning to its vomit or a person being enlightened and now he is worse off than he was before? How do you deal with life where people are into all kinds of denominations but they do not have the same doctrine?

What is the cause of our depression when my husband wants to make it big in the music industry, to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More