Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/19/2021

Timing is Everything With Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P38 (01-19-21)


A topic that often comes up is praying for healing, as we hear about these so-called healing ministries. As difficult as it is to see a loved one paralyzed or maimed, it is still not our place to heal at will. God is the one in authority over all things, and He also did not heal everyone. For example, He did not heal those in his hometown and marveled at their lack of faith. Then there is this faulty idea that if I had enough faith then this or that person would be healed. That is so damaging, this teaching, causing people so much heartbreak and pain.

There is this improper emphasis on my faith, or on me, to do something. But faith is in the person of Jesus Christ. This faith is expressed through a child of God, in a dynamic, relational faith in Christ, through someone who knows God and is operating on the basis of what is true. This faith is a trust in the will of he Father just as Jesus had.

Jesus is the perfect example of what it means to walk in … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/12/2021

Jesus Alone Forgave All Sins

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P35 (01-12-21)


Who is Jesus Christ, and by knowing that, what does that mean to me personally? That is the question of the century. Certainly he is a man of history, someone who walked on this earth, as even our calendars are divided into B.C. and A.D. There were prophecies recorded down in the scriptures that predicted what would the promised Messiah would do, as spoken by the prophets.

Then we read about the eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ, while he was on this earth, and he fulfilled every one of those prophecies. Then we had the testimony of Jesus’ interaction with Mary Magdalene, his mother Mary, his disciples and the afflicted, who recognized who he is and bowed down and worshiped him. He healed the sick, made the blind see, walked on water, calmed the storms by His word, spoke words no man has ever heard, penetrating the hearts of men, exposing their inner heart to them, yet extending mercy and grace, being full of grace and truth. Ultimately he died on a cross and rose again, just as the prophets said would happen. Many did not believe, did not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/10/2020

Jesus Said You Will Have Tribulation

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P592 (12-10-20)


We all have many questions as we are growing in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are continuing to grow until the day we die. So we will go through trials and tribulations in this fallen world we live in. People will cause us harm or emotional pain by the choices they make, and at times, we will slip up and do that to others. So how do we deal with such things, as we get into different situations in life?

Are we supposed to claim verses as promises of God for us, like the “name it and claim it” people do, or just say whatever God’s will is, and be okay with that? Do we attribute something as God’s will when it is really the will of some other man walking in the flesh? Some of our questions are not even about trials and tribulations, but we hear something from someone that kind of throws us off. We kind of get shaken up a little bit, or start having doubts about what the word of God means, or if I can trust this or … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/02/2020

Sins of The World He Died for You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P24 (12-02-20)


So Jesus fulfilled everything that was written about Him through the prophets, in the Psalms by King David around 1000 B.C., through Micah, around 500 B.C. and through Isaiah, around 700 B.C., and through other prophets as well. Did they understand what they were writing? No. But the Holy Spirit spoke through them, and they wrote down what they heard. They had some revelation but certainly did not understand everything that they wrote down.

All of us were born without the Spirit of God living in us, including the prophets. Truth had to be revealed to men by the Spirit of God, even to the prophets, not what the word of God says, but what the word of God means. Now, certainly the prophets had certain revelation revealed to them in their time in history. Even Abraham believed God and that was credited to him as righteousness. We read about the faith of many of these Old Testament people in the book of Hebrews, and that faith they had led to certain action and behavior. They trusted God, that God was able to fulfill what He had promised.… Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/01/2020

Believers Are The Church

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P575 (10-01-20)


In general, people call in because they want to know what truth, to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some may be infants in Christ, and others may be believers for quite some time, but have been wandering around in erroneous teaching, and are just beginning to grab a hold of what truth is. Even topics as basic as Baptism and the Lord’s supper. Even those that rightly understand that baptism, that of water, does not save you, but is a ceremony, do not understand the Lord’ supper.

There are those who are genuinely confused over baptism, and that can vary depending on your religious upbringing. But, as you read scripture, it would become very clear to you. Both John the Baptist and Jesus clearly tell us about the fact that the water baptism that John performed was to be replaced by the spiritual baptism that Jesus alone accomplished for us, placing into the body of Christ the moment you, by faith, came to accept his death, burial and resurrection for you.

The Lord’s Supper, sadly, has been more perverted than anything else. Countless many have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More