Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/22/2020

Vine and Branches

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P538 (05-22-20)


It is so common to be in a bible study and hear erroneous teaching. Yes, even preachers teach things that are false. Often times people are raised under denominational teaching since their youth, and repeat what they here as if it that is the truth. Why? I heard it in Sunday school. Sadly, many people would rather hold onto tradition, thinking it is of equal par with the scriptures. Others simply do not know the scriptures to discern truth from error. So how then can you discern what is true and what is error? Do you have to go to seminary and study Greek and Hebrew? No. If anyone lacks wisdom ask of God and He will give you wisdom without partiality.

First of all, to discern truth from error, you must be born again so that you can have the mind of Christ, so you can have the Spirit of God guide you into all truth. We will never be in a state where we do not need a continual renewing of the mind. But to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/21/2020

Life in The Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P537 (05-21-20)


Knowing God and His word, the meaning of the word as revealed by the Spirit of God, is really useful for practical living.Sometimes you wonder what happens in religious denominations, if they even know God or His word. You have people who just do not think, believing the King James only bible, and those who are into legalism. It sure makes you wonder if they even have the Spirit, because if you have the Spirit living in you, you would think you would be led by the Spirit. You cannot be led by the spirit and be led by the law at the same time.

As a person led by the Spirit of God, you will begin to realize when something is not working, those old thinking patterns you used to have as a lost person. You might be struggling in your marriage. But little by little you hear truth, and that truth is maybe taught in a different way than how you have been taught in your local denomination you assemble with and it just helps you to walk free, in a new and different way.

Take for example, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 05/08/2020

God Jesus Father and Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P534 (05-08-20)


Listen as people call to get answers to their questions. Some people want help in how to witness, or get clarification on explaining the Trinity, because they get into these conversations with people who deny the Trinity. The Trinity is that there is one God but three persons all being God; that is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We may not be able to comprehend it but we can apprehend it because of what has been written down in the scriptures of what Jesus said. The key advice Bob shares is do not try to put flesh and blood on Spirit. That is where people get into trouble. Then Bob used an illustration of an egg to try to explain the concept of the Trinity. Egg white, egg yolk and an egg shell are all distinct characteristics of an egg, but each one individually is still an egg.

After explaining the concept of the Trinity from the scriptures, Bob addresses a caller who is getting tangled up in a conversation with those who deny the Trinity. Bob says, “I believe the denial of the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 04/30/2020

Faith is Believing What Jesus Has Done

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P531 (04-30-20)


Many times people called on the Classic Christianity radio program to get clarification and understanding. One of the most common things people call in about is that they are confused about this deal on forgiveness of sins. When you sin, are you supposed to confess those sins to God and ask for forgiveness? What is sin? Are there different categories of sin, such as positional and what about the future sins I do? These questions reveal a serious lack of understanding of something so vitally important as to what salvation is.

Listen as Bob converses with Martha in answering such questions, explaining to her what Jesus already accomplished, that his death took away the sins of the entire world. Jesus entered into our death with us, so we can enter into His resurrected life with Him. Jesus death on a cross is preparation for life to be given, and it is not faith to ask God to forgive you of sins for that is something God already did. When He sent Jesus to shed His blood on a cross, that was only done once and will not be done again, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/24/2020

Live by Truth and Respond With Faith

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P530 (04-24-20)


The first caller, Hans, with understandably great emotion with weighty decisions to make. He shared that he is dying of melanoma cancer that has invaded much of his body already, including his brain. He had concerns about losing a relationship with God because of potential damage to his brain. Bob assured him that his relationship with God will always be there. You will never cease to be a child of God. You might not be able to pray to Him, but you are in His hands. He was also wanting advice on further treatments to take. Bob could not answer that for him, but for him to ask God for wisdom. God gives wisdom to all who ask without partiality. But he offered what he personally would want to know. If the cancer has invaded most of his body and that no amount of treatment will get rid of it, then the decision, to Bob, would be one of quality of life versus quantity of life. He would personally refuse continued treatment, if he had definitive information from the doctor on the matter. Other considerations is the financial burden on … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/01/2020

The Father And Jesus Are One

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P63 (04-01-20)


Listen as Bob George shares background information as to what the culture was like among the Jews in the time of Christ. Listen as he describes how the Jews and the Gentiles were at odds with each other. Then something amazing happens. Jesus, who is God in the flesh, has come to this earth to reveal his plan to save both the Jew and the Gentile the same way. Paul is called of God to be an apostle to the Gentiles. Here he is struggling with his own people, back in Jerusalem, and they are just as proud and arrogant as he once was. Paul then shares his testimony of his former way of life, and how he met Christ, became a new creation, born again as a child of God. Paul has one goal in mind, to make the message of Christ Jesus known to all men.

Listen as Bob George shares again what salvation really is. So many people, even today, both Jews and Gentiles, have not understood what salvation is. Salvation is not getting sins forgiven. Why do you say that? For that is what Jesus already did … Listen to Broadcast & Read More