Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/03/2022

Jesus is Eternal Life Giver

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P784 (11-03-22)

Salvation is Eternal Life In Christ Jesus ~ Nothing Can Separate You From Him In You

~ “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:2

~ “He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:12

~ Once a person is in Christ, and Christ is in You, You can never lose Christ in You. Satan wants us to believe the lie that you can lose eternal life in Christ Jesus. The enemy wants you to believe that there is more forgiveness required by God for ongoing sins and wants us to focus on ourselves instead of focusing on Jesus and His finished work on the cross. “Salvation is receiving the resurrected life of Christ Jesus. The reason that once you have gotten that life that that life is eternal, is because of the eternal consequence of the cross, where he took away eternally the cause of death, which is sin.”

Once you are Saved you Cannot lose that no Matter What

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Radio Broadcast Wednesday 03/09/2022

Know You Have Eternal Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection P44 (03-09-22)

Anyone in Christ Jesus Has Eternal Life Right Now!

Reminder, we are reviewing a bit of yesterday’s teaching and we continue on with looking at A Closer Look at The Reality of The Resurrection. Follow along with Bob as we are finishing up on this amazing Bible study journey on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This study is paramount in your understanding of your assurance of your salvation and in your assurance of faith. Listen in to today’s message , and pass the message on to others.

It’s in His resurrection. And again, I state what Paul stated so clearly, that without the resurrection we are still in our sins and to be pitied of all people, even though in His physical form He died for the forgiveness of sins. Had it not been for the resurrection there would have been no resurrected life available to you and me. And folks, the object of the cross, which was his death; was to be able to give us life through His resurrection. And so He said that I’m going to go away and when I do … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/05/2021

Jesus is Our Priest Forever

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P18 (07-05-21)


Many times young people are taught to memorize scripture. I am not sure if they are even taught to read the bible on their own. So we create little smart-sounding people that get rewarded for how many verses they memorize. But the real question is, do they understand what they memorized, and in context? Otherwise, we have essentially trained a computer to spit out what is put in.

Other people have been trained that certain people who have special training, are the only ones that have the corner on truth. In some denominations, you are taught that only the Magisterium can interpret the bible, and talk of something called oral tradition as of greater value in knowing what truth is. The problem with denominations, whether Protestant, Catholic or anything else, people are taught denominational persuasions of men. How would you know if what you are being taught is true or not?

The word of God is the source of truth. But ultimately, the author of the bible, God Himself, has to reveal truth to men by the Spirit He has given. Faith comes by hearing and hearing … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/24/2021

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P645 (06-24-21)


It seems the message of the gospel, of proclaiming truth in Christ Jesus, has to be continually told because there are always new people born into this world, dead spiritually, and who are being raised by the same training centers that never get set aside or never stop speaking error, for they hold onto error, for they have never heard the truth themselves, or stopped to test all things with the word of God. Seminaries continue to put out the same teaching year after year.

And if that is not bad enough, more error gets added, more infiltrators get into those teaching centers called the modern church, and instead of teaching truth, they teach error, law mixed with grace at best. But whether it is speaking in tongues or tithes for today, error continues on. Then new errors get added it seems, if not spiritual formation, then critical race theory, or something else. It seems the battle for the souls of men gets harder day by day, as truth is being suppressed, not just by the church-house, which is heart-breaking itself, but by those in power and authority over us, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/15/2021

In Christ Jesus You Are Eternally Secure in Him

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P10 (06-15-21)


Faith is Walking in Truth!

God has given us very great and precious promises so that we may participate in the divine nature. This was made possible by the New Covenant, that those who come to faith in what Jesus alone accomplished through His death, burial and resurrection, are now under and have received, which is Christ Himself, alive living in you. In Christ, we have been given a new heart, with unconditional acceptance, a personal relationship with God, and being made a forgiven person forever.

Just as there is nothing you can do to earn salvation, there is nothing you can do to lose salvation. There are no conditions put on you for God to accept you. The scripture simply says you are accepted in the beloved. Jesus took away the sins of the world, never to be seen again by God. Sin is what caused our death, and there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. Jesus shed His blood once and for all, so Jesus is not going to shed His blood again on a cross. Therefore, there is no more … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/14/2021

Jesus Will Give You a New Heart

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P9 (06-14-21)


As you read the book of Hebrews, you will come to understand the New Covenant we are under today, with so many precious promises for us. The writer of Hebrews contrasts this covenant with the Old Covenant that it replaced. The Old Covenant was conditional in nature, and was to the people of Israel, that if they could keep all the requirements of the law, the law of Moses, with all its ten commandments and regulations, God would be their God and they would be His people. But man could not keep that, and neither could you and I today, who think we can do better in obeying the ten commandments of Moses, and come up with our own religious system that we might approach God.

So to understand the need of the New Covenant, you have to understand the problem of all mankind. You have to understand what caused our death, and that there is only one solution to death and that is life, but not a temporal life, but eternal life. That life is a life that God intended for mankind to have when He … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message