Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P37 (01-18-21)
The older you get, you will experience the death of someone you love, of a mother or father or a close friend. Or you may be experiencing a very difficult situation where a close friend is sick, or is in a critical accident, and is unconscious. You call on others to pray with you. Now, do we pray in accordance with God’s will or do we expect God to answer whatever we pray? Do we falsely think that since God lives in me, and He healed people, that, therefore, we can ask anything in His name and He will do it? In other words, am I telling God what to do so that He must respond to me, or am I listening to the voice of God and responding to what He has intended me to do or say?
Do we keep looking for a sign and a wonder but never come to faith in Christ, looking for only those things of this world, that are temporary and do not last? Do we look beyond the physical miracle and see that the greater miracle is when someone comes … Listen to Broadcast & Read More