Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/07/2021

Faith That Pleases God - Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P20 (07-07-21)


Have you understood what faith is? Faith must have an object. It is more than an intellectual assent to facts or some sort of faith in some mystery, that nobody knows what that mystery is. I can know that Abraham Lincoln died in Ford’s theater and by believing that, that does not have any impact on my life. I can even go to church, thinking that if I go to church then somehow God will accept me, or my good deeds will outweigh my bad. I can think that I can get all my sins confessed that built up during the week off my chest. I could be doing that whether I was going to a Catholic mass or even sitting in my own bedroom quoting 1 John 1:9, but all the while wondering if I missed confessing some sin. I could even think that I came to Jesus to get all my sins forgiven, and then still doing those confessing of sins as well. So it could be I did not have a proper understanding of the complete gospel in Christ Jesus. All of that is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More