Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/10/2024

The Will of God is Believe in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P52 (01-10-24)

Placing Faith in Jesus is Obedience to the Word of God

~ There are many many people today that say they have to be obedient to the word of God, yet they show by their actions that they are NOT obedient to the Word of God. For they have NEVER placed faith in the actual Word of God, Jesus. People are out there grunting and growning for Christ instead of resting in Jesus and His finished work on the cross. They are deceived by Satan, thinking that they are pleasing to God based on what they do or they don’t do. Those that practice law keeping, and by the way, they can only practice law keeping, for no one keeps the law. No one obeys the law of God. These folks will try to judge a true child of God that has found their freedom in Christ Jesus. They will question you, Where do you go to church on Sundays? They think they are better than you because they go to prayer meetings or go to their confession booth for a priest to hear their sins, or the person that goes to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/24/2019

You Are Loved You Are Forgiven

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P485 (10-24-19)


Bob George receives calls from several callers. Monte was specifically asked to come on the program to share his testimony of God’s grace. He had a hard time accepting the grace of God because of his horrible life he lived. He had been caught up in drugs, and in and out of jail, since he was young. He was literally pushing a shopping cart around here in Vancouver at three in the morning trying to get his next fix. Yet when he came to understand the grace of God, and became born again, his life was dramatically changed.

Bob explained how hard it is for people to understand grace. He explained that Romans 7 is the passage of scripture that to him explains grace. For in Romans we read how Paul testified that he was in sins grasp, for what he knew what was right to do he could not do and the wrong he did not want to do, he did anyway. He realized what a wretched man he was and, therefore, was ready for the grace of God for there was no where else to go and no … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/07/2018

Classic Christianity – Call-In Bob George p398 (12-07-18)

Bob George RadioBob George answers calls from various listeners, proving clarification of scriptures with practical insight from God’s word. The callers today asked Bob to clarify the understanding of certain passages of scriptures. One person asked if a person could ever be blotted out of the book of life in reference to a passage of scripture in Revelation 3. Another person was bothered about what she perceived as a war between good and evil that if people go to hell then would that not indicate God lost the war? Bob addressed the person by redirecting her away from thinking in terms of winning and losing. God is not in a competition with Satan. Instead he encouraged her to ponder over the fact of how God chose to create man with a free will. Because of that choice of design, man can choose to come to Christ by faith or reject him. Many indeed will reject him but that is by a choice. For the heart and desire of God is that none should perish but all come to faith in him for eternal to be with God forever. Another person was all bogged down … Listen to Broadcast & Read More