Radio Broadcast Monday 08/30/2021

We Were Reconciled to God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P10 (08-30-21)

You Have Been Reconciled Unto an Exchanged Life as a New Creation in Christ Jesus

Have you realized you have been reconciled to God already through Jesus’ shed blood on a cross? That means the debt of sin has been in full, as Jesus last words dying on a cross were, “It is finished” (John 19:30). According to Hebrews 9:22, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. That means Jesus is not going to shed His blood again. So this is like being tried in a courtroom of law, proven guilty, but then a man steps up and pays your fine to set you free. The penalty for the crime that rightfully should have been placed on you was pardoned, paid for by another person so you are free. Or, as an example, you were in debt and filed for bankruptcy, and the accountant in charge of the bankruptcy had to balance the books so the debt was taken off your accounts payable and written onto his accounts receivable. The debt had been cleared.

But does that mean everyone is saved, going … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 08/25/2021

Jesus Reconciled Us To God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P9 (08-25-21)

God Reconciled the World unto Himself so as an Ambassador for Christ, I Implore you to be Reconciled – (BELIEVE HE DID IT!)

In this chaotic world we live in, and we really do not need to say much about that, riots in various cities, floods and earthquakes in various places, lockdowns, and critical race theory being pushed in the schools, and a push for unproven experimental injections, with various rewards for doing so and punishments for not doing so. The world has gone crazy and seems to be heading to the new world order, with infrastructure being developed and conditioning of the masses for supporting it, as to what the bible prophesies concerning a coming one world government headed by the antichrist, as you can read about in the book of Revelation.

With that being said, it is easy to lose focus of what our job is as a believer and as an ambassador of Christ. Jesus warned us ahead of time these things would happen so it should not catch us by surprise for He clearly tells us about these last days in the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/28/2021

Jesus Made us Competent Ministers

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P29 (07-28-21)

Growing to Maturity in Christ

What does it mean to mature in Christ? Do we become more holy? Do we sin less? Is it about what we do? Or is it about coming to grasp what God alone accomplished for us, understanding the finality of the cross and letting Christ live His life in you and through you? Certainly it is not about trying to obey the letter of the law, for the law is what put us to death. Certainly we are to sin less, but to stop sinning completely, as if that is the goal of the Christian life, is not possible for us in our sin-indwelling flesh, where the desires of the flesh are in conflict with the desires of the Spirit. We are told in scripture to walk by the Spirit so we will not carry out the desires of the flesh. That is why we are under a New Covenant of grace now. What we could not do in the energy of our flesh, God did for us by who He is, perfect love. What we could never do, God did for us. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/19/2021

Jesus Has Forgiven You Completely

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P24 (07-19-21)

Quit Sinning Against the Knowledge of Truth!

As Bob has said numerous times, all of us have been taught error from various denominational persuasions of men. The scripture that continually comes up in certain circles of Christendom is in Hebrews 10:26-31. People often think that to mean that if I do those dirty dozen or those nasty nine sins, deliberately, then I am going to hell. Many get fearful of this passage because they do not have proper understanding, because they do not understand what Jesus accomplished at the cross. People should be fearful, if they are sinning against the knowledge of the truth and after receiving the knowledge of the truth. The truth is people do not understand or realize he is talking about the sin of unbelief. He is talking about sinning against the knowledge of truth.

Now, if someone understands the truth, but deliberately and stubbornly says, “I do not care” and I am going back to the day of atonement or to my confessional booth to a priest to get my sins forgiven or as a Protestant quoting 1 John 1:9 to keep short … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 07/09/2021

Classic Christianity and Bible Studies

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P650 (07-09-21)


At times callers call because they are not quite grasping what they are reading in scripture or what they hear from the pulpit does not seem to make sense anymore. A person usually starts off by saying he believes Jesus died for all my sins, past, present and future, but then wonders if he needs to confess his sins to be sure he dies in a state of grace so he does not lose salvation. That is a person who has not grasped what salvation is. If salvation depends on anything we do to get it or keep it, then it is not salvation.

The only sin attributable to man is the sin of unbelief in what Jesus accomplished for us. Now, just because Jesus died on a cross does not mean everyone is universally saved. No one is saved by the death of Christ, although His death is a necessary part of salvation. Everyone is reconciled to God through the death of God’s Son, something Jesus did 2000 years ago for us, and had nothing to do with what we who are alive today did, for we were not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/26/2021

What About 1 John 1:9

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P2 (05-26-21)


Do you realize you are under a New Covenant today? What exactly is the New Covenant? As you read the book of Hebrews, you come to realize that there was an Old Covenant of law that was replaced by a New Covenant of grace. A covenant, a testament and a will are synonyms. We are familiar with a will, that when someone’s death has been proven, then a will is read and whatever is in that will is executed so that whoever is named in that will receives what is written down. So too in the case of a will, testament, or covenant.

The Old Covenant required the sacrifice of the blood of bulls and goats to just cover sin. And under that covenant, a person was required to continue to do everything written in it, which included the ten commandments of God, and if you fail just once you are guilty of breaking all of the law. Only one person fulfilled that will, and that person was Jesus Christ. Since mankind could not keep the requirements of his will, God sent Jesus to do something man … Listen to Broadcast & Read More