Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/06/2020

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Today

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P509 (02-06-20)


Often times people have called into the Classic Christianity radio program with questions to help them know how to apply teaching or to get clarification on teaching they have heard that seems to conflict with what the Lord is beginning to teach them. Others simply call to thank Bob for the teaching of truth that has helped them to walk free of legalistic teaching, and want to encourage Bob to continue teaching truth.

More often than not, Bob will explain more thoroughly about the New Covenant we are under. Often times people will read something out of the gospels, such as Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, or the book of Acts, and struggle understanding what it means. The starting point to understand truth is to first of all be born again, having the Spirit of God living in you. Then as you read God’s word, you allow the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you.

The common mistakes people make are to read one scripture verse, taken out of its context, and try to explain or make up what it means. That is called leaning on your own understanding, and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/17/2020

Law And Grace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P504 (01-17-20)


When you are convinced that the bible is God’s word, then that is definitely a good starting point. We know the Old Testament can be trusted because Jesus quoted from it. So we have no problem believing the Old Testament. All of scripture, whether the Old Testament or the New Testament, came about by the Spirit of God revealing truth or speaking truth, through men. The bible came to be written down only through the prophets of God in the Old Testament or the apostles of the New Testament. We have translations today. The Septuagint, the first five books of the Old Testament, is a translation from Hebrew into Greek, and Jesus quoted from that.

Now, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, it would certainly be important to be convinced and know the bible is the word of God. Now, if you are born again, you would know that. You would also desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many times people, particularly if you are a relatively new believer, you do not know where to start. If … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/14/2019

Want to Want to

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 20 (05-14-19)

Bob continues sharing from John 4 and John 5. In John 4, we read about Jesus healing a Father’s son. His father came to Jesus begging him to heal his son, having heard all that Jesus did, knowing of his healing power. In John 5, we read about a man who was disabled for 38 years, in a state of self pity, and was asked by Jesus if he wanted to get well.

Bob explains the more important reason Jesus came. He came to heal the person, spiritual healing, as of utmost importance. Even in today’s world, so many people are infatuated with signs and wonders and healing. Do you want to get well or would you rather remain in your condition? Do you come to Jesus for signs and wonders or do you come to Jesus by faith in what he accomplished for you at the cross? He came to rise again from the dead in order to give new spiritual life to you. Do you recognize your state of spiritual death? Do you know that the only available life for you is in Jesus Christ? Are you in Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 02/08/2019

Lord Jesus What Car Should I Buy

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P413 (2-8-19)

Bob George RadioBob answers questions on different heretical teaching in the world today. The callers called to get help in regards to a friend or relative who was caught up in dangerous teaching. Bob addressed the truth from scriptures that exposes the error in the thinking of men. He edifies and strengthens the believers in their faith in Christ and encourages them to hold onto truth and not be unsettled on these things. He points them to resources to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to hold out the word of life to their friends or loved ones as the opportunity comes. Several books that callers thanked Bob for were “Classic Christianity”, “Growing in Grace”, “Complete in Christ”, and “Overcoming Depression”. He particularly recommended “A Scriptural Journey to Discover the Grace of God” to Junior to share with his father who is involved in the Apostolic Church. Other callers had questions on understanding the will of God, the strange teaching of prophesying over someone, the word of faith teaching, and the false teaching that there are apostles today. Bob addressed briefly the false teaching of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/07/2019

Rest in Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P412 (2-7-19)

Bob George RadioBob George answers a call by Lori from Eugene, Oregon. Her first question was about the purpose of the Sabbath, as she was confused on the different passages of scriptures she had been reading.  Bob explained from Hebrews and from Colossians, two passages of scripture that explains the Sabbath in light of the New Covenant of grace. The Sabbath of the Old Covenant was a shadow of the real Sabbath rest in Christ who completed the work he was sent to do. Since Jesus died to take away sins of the world, we, as children of God can rest from works of the law just as Jesus did from his. That is the real and true meaning of the Sabbath rest. Bob explains this concept of this Sabbath rest in Christ in detail.

After asking such a question, she admitted that she was manic depressive. Bob addressed the lie she is believing from the psychological babble of this world. People are depressed because they think depressing thoughts. People are anxious because they think about anxious things of the future. The basic deception from the world of psychology is to keep you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More