Radio Broadcast Monday 02/10/2020

Stand in the Righteousness of Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P40 (02-10-20)


Listen as Bob summarizes what the apostle Paul proclaimed to both Jew and Gentile alike, the righteousness that is received by faith and faith alone in what Christ accomplished for you, by his death, burial and resurrection. It has never been by works of the law, of how well you kept the ten commandments. It is an impossibility for the Jew, who were given the law, and all the prophets, and for us, the Gentiles, who never had the law, but stole the law from the Jews, and tried to do what the Jews did, and failed miserably. The real issue is that we were all born dead, whether Jew or Gentile, without the Spirit of God, and we are in need of life.

Trying to work to gain acceptance with God is like trying to jump across the Grand Canyon to get to the other side. It cannot be done. Or, it is like trying your hardest in getting the acceptance from your father by what you do. It seems the harder you work, the more you get rejected. The fact is, we have all sinned and fallen short of … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/04/2020

Salvation is Through Faith in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P38 (02-04-20)


We are now in the 9th chapter of Romans. Recall the reason Paul is addressing the Romans is for the sake of the gospel. He longs for his own people the Jews to be saved. He explains the gospel is for Jew and Gentile alike, and it has always been by faith from first to last. In Romans 9, you read about the heart of love Paul, a Jew himself, has for his own people. As we addressed in Romans 8, God wants us to be convinced of God’s amazing love for us.

Why is it that the religious, particularly the leadership, do not come to Christ. Here are the Jews today, with over 2000 years of history, of Moses, the covenants, the prophets, and yet are stubborn and obstinate, and fail to believe. It was not God’s word that failed. The fault is with the people.

Just as it was then, so too people today will say they have over 2000 years of church history. They will consider you proud for going against church history, as if truth has been handed down from Peter, whom they say is the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/03/2020

Only by Faith

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P37 (02-03-20)


What do you ponder over that Jesus did for us, who made us into one body of believers in Christ Jesus? Are you in Christ Jesus? Then you cannot help but say, “Thank you, Jesus”. Can you grasp the magnitude of His love for you? You who once had a heart of stone, have now been given a heart of flesh, a heart that expresses love toward others because of the love poured into you by Christ Jesus. Gratitude of heart is what expresses itself in love in a person who is born again, with the Spirit of God living in him, as He grows in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What trials and tribulations, famine or sword, danger or hardship or persecution, have you already gone through? Did God ever leave you or forsake you during those times? No, it is in those times our roots go deeper into Christ Jesus. We learn the depth of His love for us. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. In those deepest days of despair, longing to be with Him, feeling you cannot bear one … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/29/2020

Jesus is The Resurrection and The Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P36 (01-29-19)


Have you come to grasp the love of God that is in Christ Jesus? If you are in Christ Jesus, allowing Him to renew your mind with truth, the truth shall set you free. Sadly, so many believers have not studied the word of God for themselves, and have kept listening to error from the pulpit. If someone tells you that God will get you if you sin, is that true? No. God has taken away your sins, never to be seen again from the eyes of God. And that was done at the cross. There is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. But do you see how a little error here and there, keeps you from walking in freedom. Who will boldly go to the throne of grace in your time of need, thinking God is mad at you or is punishing you?

Another serious error is thinking salvation is getting your sins forgiven. I do not think anybody wants to go to hell. So, sure, I will say thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins. But, someone thinking that, is he really saved? … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/28/2020

Forgiveness Does Not Produce Life

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P35 (01-28-19)


So often when people grow up in a church background, error is being taught. There are those teachings that keep us bound under law, by the mixing of law and grace, preventing people from walking freely in the new life God has given to those who have believed. Then there are those teachings that are serious doctrinal error. Many a person has walked down an aisle to receive forgiveness of sins, for that is what they have been taught. So the doctrine of salvation is taught in error.

Salvation is not getting your sins forgiven and that is it. Romans 5:10 and Ephesians 1:7 are key verses that, understood in context, explain this more clearly what Jesus accomplished for us, in what salvation is. When you were His enemies, lost, you were reconciled. How? By his death on a cross. How was what provided for then, at the cross, received? In Him. In Him, you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Salvation is the receiving the life of Christ Jesus. The cross without the resurrection is meaningless, for the apostle Paul spoke to the Corinthians, that without the resurrection you are … Listen to Broadcast & Read More