Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/08/2022

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/08/2022

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P724 (04-08-22)

Allow the Holy Spirit to Teach You ALL TRUTH

Trust in the Holy Spirit to teach you all truth. Don’t depend on what man says or what man teaches, for someone can be teaching you error. Be as a Berean, and study the word of God to see if things are as they claim to be taught. Learn in context and rely on the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. We have been taught much error through the years in our lives, and if we trust on our flesh to teach us, then we are relying on our own understanding of things instead of God. Reminder, for all those in Christ Jesus, we have the mind of Christ living in us. Trust in Him to teach you ALL TRUTH.

Welcome to Classic Christianity radio with Bob George today. We are pleased to present a special Radio Show featuring callin listeners from Bob’s original People-to-People daily radio program that was on the air for over 30 years offering real answers for real life problems as he addresses common questions as well as the tough issues of today directing callers to the centrality … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/24/2020

Jesus is The Grace of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P59 (03-24-20)


We have much to be grateful for, for Jesus, the Jew, the born again Jew, and to the apostle Paul, a Jew, through whom we came to know the truth of the gospel and how to live in the new life God has given us. Paul provided much instruction to the believers in Christ so they may grow to maturity. He not only delighted in sharing the gospel with them, but his life with them as well.

Recall in Romans 8 how he shared about the proper functioning of the body of Christ, each individual with unique spiritual gifts from God, so the body may be encouraged and learn from each other, so they too may learn how to operate in that gift even if they were not specifically given that spiritual gift. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.

So Paul delighted in being with other believers, and his heart attitude was so that we may be mutually encouraged by one another’s faith. He was not a lone ranger Christian. He asked for prayer, that he may boldly proclaim the gospel as clearly as he ought. He … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 08/12/2019

Jesus Gives us His Thoughts

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 57 (08-12-19)


We have been born dead with an opportunity to choose life. So man’s most basic need is that he is dead and in need of life. But people do not understand these things unless someone explains things to them. The Holy Spirit must reveal truth to men. Many people not only lean on their own understanding for truth, but are ignorant of the things of God. Bob testified that he had a shallow understanding of God. But God initiates His love toward us. He did so when He sent His only Son into the world to reveal truth to men, to die to take away our sins only in order to rise again to offer new life, His resurrected life, the only life available to man. God orchestrates the affairs of men so that they might seek Him and find Him even though He is not very far from any one of us.

One day truth is told. Either we read from the scriptures and God reveals truth to us or someone explains the scriptures to us from what the Holy Spirit had taught them. However we heard truth, the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message