Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/08/2021

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/08/2021

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P15 (09-08-21)

The Forgiveness of Sins Has Been Done Once and For All and In Him You have Forgiveness of Sins and Are Made Complete in Christ Jesus

How is that two people can both hear the same message concerning Christ, and one will become born again and another not? Recall what Jesus told in the parable of the farmer who sowed his seed (Mark 4:1-25). As you read the scriptures, such as Hebrews, what is your attitude of heart? Do you read it with a filter on, as if only a priest can explain the meaning of it to you? Or are you reading it for answers to the meaning and purpose of life, that if I do not understand what this means, I will not be made alive or able to live? Are you reading it that if God Himself does not explain the meaning to me, I will not know what it means? Where is the condition of your heart, is it hard towards God or is it soft and pliable? Are you a child of God, having the Spirit of God living in you, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 07/19/2021

Jesus Has Forgiven You Completely

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P24 (07-19-21)

Quit Sinning Against the Knowledge of Truth!

As Bob has said numerous times, all of us have been taught error from various denominational persuasions of men. The scripture that continually comes up in certain circles of Christendom is in Hebrews 10:26-31. People often think that to mean that if I do those dirty dozen or those nasty nine sins, deliberately, then I am going to hell. Many get fearful of this passage because they do not have proper understanding, because they do not understand what Jesus accomplished at the cross. People should be fearful, if they are sinning against the knowledge of the truth and after receiving the knowledge of the truth. The truth is people do not understand or realize he is talking about the sin of unbelief. He is talking about sinning against the knowledge of truth.

Now, if someone understands the truth, but deliberately and stubbornly says, “I do not care” and I am going back to the day of atonement or to my confessional booth to a priest to get my sins forgiven or as a Protestant quoting 1 John 1:9 to keep short … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/31/2021

Faith in Jesus Says Thank You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P3 (05-31-21)


The book of Hebrews, particularly chapters 7-10, explains this New Covenant, as the scriptures testify in 2 Corinthians 3:6, that we are made ministers of. The New Testament is the testament, covenant, or will that God replaced the Old Covenant with because the old one could make no one perfect, because it was weak and useless. The problem was not with the law, being holy, right and good, but with us, because we could not keep it. Under an Old Covenant, the man who sins shall surely die. Under the New Covenant, the man who believes shall surely live. The belief is in a person who can fulfill the law for us and did, and that person is Jesus Christ.

Jesus did something for us we could never do. He fulfilled the just requirements of the law for us, paid the punishment of death for sin for us in full, and then was raised to new life, to give us His resurrected life to be received as a gift. So then He was able to set aside the Old Covenant of the law of sin and death … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/18/2021

Propitiation - Jesus Took Away the Sins of the World

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P617 (03-18-21)


Common questions people ask from time to time are what is redemption, atonement, propitiation and trinity. If you have grown up with any sort of religious background, or have opened up your bible to read it, you have probably heard or read these words before. Words have meaning, but they must be used in their context in which they are written. Keep in mind also that translations are not always accurate, so if something is unclear, check it out in a Hebrew or Greek concordance. There is an interlinear bible online that can be helpful on that.

But, first of all, rely on the Holy Spirit to teach you truth. The biblical meaning is what is important, even if a dictionary seems to indicate a contrary meaning. There is enough cross-referencing of scripture, with the Holy Spirit living in you, to reveal to you God’s intended meaning. Without relying on the Holy Spirit to teach you truth, how would you know what any man is saying is true or not? Just because many theologians tell you what something means does not mean it is correct. If a pastor tells you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 8/12/2020

God is Creator We are Responders

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P51 (08-12-20)


How then is the Christian life to be lived? Can we live it? Not in the energy of our flesh. Not by what we do, or by trying to love or be a loving person. It is so vitally important to understand who God is, to perceive Him correctly. We must know that we are created beings, and as created beings, we respond to the one who created us. But how we respond is in direct proportion of what we perceive or know God to be like.

Why do we love? Because He loved us first. Someone says, “Boy, this guy is a legalist, but he loves God.” That is a lie. That is an impossibility. How are you going to respond in love to a God who hates you or disappoints you, or always turns His back on you or is always mad at you or a God who says you must do all these things or you have had it. How are you going to love someone like that? How I respond to God or to others is in direct proportion to how I … Listen to Broadcast & Read More