Radio Broadcast Wednesday 07/28/2021

Jesus Made us Competent Ministers

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P29 (07-28-21)

Growing to Maturity in Christ

What does it mean to mature in Christ? Do we become more holy? Do we sin less? Is it about what we do? Or is it about coming to grasp what God alone accomplished for us, understanding the finality of the cross and letting Christ live His life in you and through you? Certainly it is not about trying to obey the letter of the law, for the law is what put us to death. Certainly we are to sin less, but to stop sinning completely, as if that is the goal of the Christian life, is not possible for us in our sin-indwelling flesh, where the desires of the flesh are in conflict with the desires of the Spirit. We are told in scripture to walk by the Spirit so we will not carry out the desires of the flesh. That is why we are under a New Covenant of grace now. What we could not do in the energy of our flesh, God did for us by who He is, perfect love. What we could never do, God did for us. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/26/2021

What About 1 John 1:9

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P2 (05-26-21)


Do you realize you are under a New Covenant today? What exactly is the New Covenant? As you read the book of Hebrews, you come to realize that there was an Old Covenant of law that was replaced by a New Covenant of grace. A covenant, a testament and a will are synonyms. We are familiar with a will, that when someone’s death has been proven, then a will is read and whatever is in that will is executed so that whoever is named in that will receives what is written down. So too in the case of a will, testament, or covenant.

The Old Covenant required the sacrifice of the blood of bulls and goats to just cover sin. And under that covenant, a person was required to continue to do everything written in it, which included the ten commandments of God, and if you fail just once you are guilty of breaking all of the law. Only one person fulfilled that will, and that person was Jesus Christ. Since mankind could not keep the requirements of his will, God sent Jesus to do something man … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/30/2021

The New Covenant of Jesus Christ

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P630 (04-30-21)


Have you allowed the truth God’s word to change your thinking, or are you relying on your feelings? Do you feel that while you are in church, or active in serving others in some capacity, you are full of the Holy Spirit, but when you leave that feeling leaves? Did the Spirit of God ever leave you? No. The Spirit of God is always at work within you, and will never leave you or forsake you. He lives in you, if you are born again, to will and to act according to His good purpose. How well do you know all that God has given you in Christ Jesus? So grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ by reading His word, allowing the Spirit, who is alive living in you, to renew your mind with truth.

Have you been sitting under a pastor who is mixing law and grace? Has your pastor taught you that you have to take the Lord’s Supper in a worthy manner, and be sure to have no unconfessed sins when you eat at the Lord’s table. Is that true? No! Have … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/11/2021

Repentance is a Change of Mind

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P615 (03-11-21)


Sometimes we get bogged down in our daily lives, being bombarded with legalism or teaching that just weighs us down. The day to day mundane things we do just seems to weigh us down at times. But to know that the time we ourselves get alone with the Lord, letting Him teach us the meaning of the word of God, and see the work God is doing in us. Then, as we simply share truth that has been revealed to us, that truth not only changes our own lives, but it overflows into the lives of others. That makes living so worthwhile.

Listen as Bob George shares with a young seminary student getting bogged down in his studies in theology that seems to distract him from being taught by the Holy Spirit. At times even, incorrect teaching is being told him, and he also feels this push towards legalism. Bob shares truth with him to help him to keep focused on being taught of the Holy Spirit. He reminds him of some basic foundational truths, on what salvation is, and clarification on the meaning of 1 John 1:9, and refers … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 03/04/2021

Jesus is The Righteousness of God - Have Faith in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P613 (03-04-21)


Sometimes we struggle with answering questions that non-believers ask. They do not know the Lord so they ask questions without understanding and also from a perspective of the world. They could be caught up in believing all kinds of things that are not even true, like someone has a hex on them, or not believing the truth, that Jesus is God or the Trinity, that God is one, and there is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Many times they have a negative attitude toward religion, and whenever they hear the word Jesus, they automatically associate all that they hate about religion with Jesus, not distinguishing the difference between the two. I assure you there is nothing to hate about Jesus, but there is certainly much to hate about religion, the legalism and the lists of rules and regulations, and even false doctrine and a false gospel even though they use the name of Jesus, but certainly not the Jesus of the bible. As believers we have to recall in our own minds how we once were lost and how the things of God sounded … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/28/2020

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P12 (10-28-20)


Salvation is receiving life, not a temporal life, but God’s life called eternal life. The only one who has God’s life to give is Jesus, who is God in the flesh. Salvation is coming to Christ for what He came to give us, Himself, Christ, that life of His Son, a life called eternal life.


The most basic problem of man is that he is dead to God, and in need of new spiritual life. He has a human spirit that is very much alive to this world, but dead to God. So unless a man is born again, spiritually, a new birth by God Himself through the Spirit of God, then you remain dead. The wrath of God against sin is death, and we were all born dead. So if we fail to come to Christ, we do not become dead, we remain dead, in the current condition we are in.

So man needs new life. You can not be made alive without Him. How come? He is life. What kind of life? Eternal life. If you have the Son, what do you have? Life. If you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More