Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/07/2020

Jesus Asks Who Do You Say I AM

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P3 (10-07-20)


1 Corinthians 3:11
For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Everyone starts out with basic questions: Why am I here? Why do I feel empty inside? Is there meaning and purpose to life? Did you know Jesus offers a practical solution to the most basic need of all people? Jesus came as a solution to the problem of mankind.

This course is about building a solid foundation in Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Who did he claim to be? What did he accomplish for you and me? What is your understanding of salvation? Many other questions could be asked, but when you start with the foundation in Christ Jesus, so many questions commonly asked by people of all backgrounds, generation after generation, can be readily answered.

Listen as Bob George answers questions such as, “Can I lose my salvation?”, “Am I of the elect?”, “How do I know I am saved?”, and other questions often still brought up in today’s world. When you understand that Christ Jesus came not to give temporal life but eternal life, then once … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/26/2020

Faith in Jesus Must be the Object of Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P17 (05-26-20)


In this study on Faith, Hope and Love, we have looked into what faith is, what faith is not, and that there is misplaced faith, and then there is faith placed properly on what is true, and on the one who is the way, the truth and the life. This faith in Christ Jesus, who is God in the flesh, is the faith we are talking about. Now this truth is what men cannot grasp on their own. This truth must be revealed by the Spirit of God to the hearts of men.

Now, many times, people relegate faith to just this aspect of getting saved, but then so many people do not really understand what saved means. If you grew up never hearing the word “saved” then you might respond by saying, “What are you talking about? Saved from what?” Other people might have grown up in a denomination where the word “saved” was often heard. You might have heard someone say, “Come forward to get your sins forgiven?” So you come to think being saved is getting your sins forgiven, as if that is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 04/03/2020

Religion Makes you Mean as a Hornet

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P526 (04-03-20)


Listen to how heart-breaking it is when believers are caught up in sin, but even more so when they are not approached in grace, but rather with condemnation. God instructs us to come with an attitude of restoring a brother who is caught up in sin, to come in an attitude of humility and grace. Listen as Bob explains the scriptures in Genesis, of Noah’s drunkenness, and his sons response to that, of Jesus teaching in Matthew, of taking at most two or three witnesses, and that only after the person refused to repent and who remained proud and in rebellion, of Jesus gracious response to the woman caught in adultery, and Paul’s instruction to us in Colossians, and the example of Paul to the brother who boasted of having sex with his father’s wife, how that was necessary to protect the body from infection.

Listen to Bob share with a father whose daughter is a lesbian, who is flaunting that sin, and wanting to bring her lover home with her. Bob shares truth in scripture that that is sin, and to not flaunt that sin in front of me … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/29/2019

You Were Born Forgiven

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P5 (10-29-19)


Bob George is camping on Romans 1:16-17, the key to understanding the book of Romans. Paul is saying he is not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone, first for the Jew, but for both the Jew and the Gentile. In the gospel, a righteousness of God is revealed. This righteousness is a gift from God, received by faith.

Now, what kind of questions should be asked? What is the gospel? Why is Paul not ashamed of the gospel? What is salvation? What is righteousness, and what is this righteousness specifically from God? Are they different? How is this righteousness revealed? How is this righteousness received by faith? What is faith? Faith in what? In who?

Many a person has asked these kinds of questions. Why am I here? What will happen to me when I die? Why can I not do the things I want to do and the very things I hate to do, I do anyway? Why am I empty inside? These kinds of questions are asked because man is born spiritually dead. When the first person, Adam, created by … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/21/2019

Jesus is God - John 5

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 23 (05-21-19)

Bob George continues teaching from John 5. He shares again about the Holy Spirit, how this person of the Trinity is our guide and counselor. God sent Jesus to explain how to live in total dependence on the Holy Spirit. Jesus emptied himself of his divine attributes, lived as a man like us, except without sin and lived in total dependence of His Father. So we, who are born again, should let the Spirit of God, living in us, guide us into all truth and counsel us. The Holy Spirit instructs us, showing us the error in our thinking, in order to replace error in our minds with truth. So let us walk in the Spirit and see this fruit be produced in us and through us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Bob George also shared the process that takes place in the mind of an unbeliever for him to come to Christ. The law at work, with the drawing of the Holy Spirit, reveals to him his condition of spiritual death. He looks at the law that says do not commit adultery or do … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/20/2019

Radio Broadcast Monday 05/20/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 22 (05-20-19)

Bob George continues teaching from the book of John, teaching from John 5. Bob explains what religion does, how nonsensical it is, keeping men blind and enslaved in sin and death, in contrast to the attitude of Jesus. Jesus resisted the religious and proud and extended mercy to the humble, who listened to truth and were saved unto new life.

Bob explained the complexity of the Trinity and the functioning of the godhead through the parable of the vine and the branches in John 15. Jesus came to explain the work of the Father and how he and His Father are one. Jesus showed us the working of the Trinity and his total dependence on God the Father as a way of showing us a new way to live just as he did, in total dependence on God. Jesus had the Holy Spirit living in him and listened to the voice of the Father and did only what he saw his Father doing and what His Father told him to do.

Bob explains the nature of all men, spiritually dead, devoid of the Spirit life in Jesus. Jesus came so man … Listen to Broadcast & Read More